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Thread: First time using tren Ace

  1. #1
    robmb is offline New Member
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    First time using tren Ace

    Hey everyone, This will be my 3rd Cycle,... BUT my FIRST running tren ace and test Propionate , I have a 10 ML / 100 MG of them both. THis is what im working with.. I have been doing alot of research on the two. Kind of over whelming. I want to do a semi low dosage of the tren, Just because of the "sides". What dosages for both? I planned on putting the test in my glutes and tren in my rear delt, Tricep and traps?? maybe just Rear delts i really wanna see it in my upper body. Where Would i get best results. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Due to the information you ahve provided (I have not even checked age yet) you are not ready for tren and probably not for any aas yet.

    You do not have basic knowledge of how aas work and if you have to ask me what I mean that just proves it all the more.

    Please put a long hold on your plans at least until you have an idea how aas work.

    Edit: Now I checked your age. 20.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-10-2014 at 06:34 AM.

  3. #3
    robmb is offline New Member
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    i plan on waiting a little while, i want to do ALOT of research and homework before I start this cycle..
    Last edited by robmb; 08-10-2014 at 06:43 AM.

  4. #4
    robmb is offline New Member
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    I want to get alot of opinions and i want to know how other people would run this cycle, to achieve the safe and most effective way.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    You say this is your 3rd cycle but what you want to do wont happen because it's not how things work. It's not about how much you run but it's how you think it works. I'm sure you still dont have a clue what I'm talking about but I'm sure most every one else does and just telling you isnt the answer. You need to start from square one and figure out how aas works.

  6. #6
    robmb is offline New Member
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    Im trying to figure it out, By coming to people like you, who have the knowledge to share with me. I want to learn. I dont just wanna stick myself man, I want to be know what im doing. Thats why im asking questions, im in no rush. I did alot of research for my first cycle of just test, and put on close to 20 Lbs. But Tren is a whole different ball game. Just looking for knowledge from the people who withhold it man. Anything you have to teach me would be greatly appreciated.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    OK explain to me how Tren is different than test. Thats a good start. Tell me how you came up with the protocol you did and the reason for your injection sites. We will go from there.

  8. #8
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hey robmb. Could you lay out your first 2 cycles for us to look at? What you took, how long, how much, AI, pct, everything about your previous cycles. What gains you had......everything. Just so we'll know your experience level.

  9. #9
    robmb is offline New Member
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    From what ive seen, tren is Fast acting and does not stay in your system long. Ive read that it really helps in putting on size, Test is something your body produces. the Guy I got it from is putting it in his rear delts eod switching sides. Putting test in his Glutes twice a week. And from most the threads ive seen they are all pretty similar. What I planed on doing is 50-75 mg eod of trend, and 250-test a week. running a estrogen blocker the whole time. with a strict diet

  10. #10
    robmb is offline New Member
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    My first two cycles were test Cyponate, They were both 12 week cycles at 300mg a week and used novaldex as my pct. I had a very strict diet, eating 6-8 meals a day. My first cycle I put close to 20 LBs my second cycle Was from different person and i only put on about 8 LBs.

  11. #11
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're way too young to be touching anything and esp. Tren . Tren sides suck ass!!! Plus, do you only have 1 vial of each substance? Either way wait another 5 years and run Test E or C ONLY.

  12. #12
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robmb View Post
    My first two cycles were test Cyponate, They were both 12 week cycles at 300mg a week and used novaldex as my pct. I had a very strict diet, eating 6-8 meals a day. My first cycle I put close to 20 LBs my second cycle Was from different person and i only put on about 8 LBs.
    When did you run your first cycle and when did you run your 2nd? What was your heaviest weight during cycle and what do you weigh now? You also ran 300mg which is low so you basically shut yourself down to get your test levels pretty close to where you are naturally at your age.

  13. #13
    robmb is offline New Member
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    My heaviest weight was 175 im about 165 now. I ran them low to be what i thought was safer, First cycle was a year and a half ago. second cycle was 3 months ago.

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Let me give you one little hint to what I'm getting at and why I say you don't have a clue what you are doing and why you should not be touching aas yet.

    If what you were saying was correct my right glute would be 3x the size of myn left.

  15. #15
    robmb is offline New Member
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    Again im here to learn man. You have made your point that I do not know much about it, That is why im here to learn to know about it. im in know rush. I Just wanna learn. Im going off of what ive been told, seen and read. You seem very educated on the topic but wont share you wisdom on it. But instead Im going off the stuff i see from people who are apparently wrong. Ive noticed that the people who are knowledge on the topic do not want to share there wisdom for what ever reason, the ones who "think" they know wanna teach the world. I dont get it.

  16. #16
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What are your stats?
    Cycle history
    Body fat
    Training history
    And anything else we might should know.

    Spot injecting, which is what you're referring to in thinking injecting one spot makes it grow faster, is a myth. So do not think injecting anywhere makes that one area's muscle grow faster.

    Here are a few terms you need to look up and address, lov isn't going to give you the answers. If he spoon feeds you the what and how then you'll never take the time to know the why.

    I'd start with better describing your intended cycle to include any HCG , AI, PA, and PCT. Do you understand esters? You say you are going to wait due to your age yet you've already ran two cycles. That doesn't sound like the waiting type to me. Do you understand the possible risks?

  17. #17
    robmb is offline New Member
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    Im 165 now 5'7", 10% Body fat I want to get to 185-190. Every one I have talked to has told me to put tren in my shoulders and test in my glutes may not be correct but that is what ive been told, Even the guy i got it from told me thats what he does for best results, Im not saying its true but its what ive been told. What I planed on doing was running Tren ace in my shoulder EOD at 50-75mg and test in my glutes 300mg a week. and I was told to run a Estrogen blocker during and after the cycle. What do you think of that? Just and idea from what ive seen and herd?

  18. #18
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robmb View Post
    Im 165 now 5'7", 10% Body fat I want to get to 185-190. Every one I have talked to has told me to put tren in my shoulders and test in my glutes may not be correct but that is what ive been told, Even the guy i got it from told me thats what he does for best results, Im not saying its true but its what ive been told. What I planed on doing was running Tren ace in my shoulder EOD at 50-75mg and test in my glutes 300mg a week. and I was told to run a Estrogen blocker during and after the cycle. What do you think of that? Just and idea from what ive seen and herd?
    It doesnt matter where the hell you pin these compounds IM on your injection to make a muscle larger is total bs. The only thing you soot inject is synthol...flutes or delta or quads wherever its all the same. Just to clear that up for you

  19. #19
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    When I first started lifting I was about 20 years old and I weight about 135lbs. I was lean as hell as I was alway competing in Martial Arts so I had a boat load of cardio. After about 2-3 years of CRAZY eating, working out etc. I was able to get up to 185lbs. naturally. I maintained that for years until I got married had a kid and got lazy. Then 5 or 6 years ago I got back into training and I'm currently sitting at about 200lbs. at 5'8" tall. I'm not huge by any means and I have a few cycles/TRT under my belt but the reason you gain is not because of the hormone but how you eat/train. AAS will get you past your physical limits which for me was prob. 185-190lbs. or so. I've been between 190-215 now for the past few years and I'm happy where I'm at. My goal is to put on another 10lbs. or so of muscle over the next year to year and a half but I will do that mostly with eating and training.

    You don't need AAS at your age. Your test is at the highest it will ever be so ride that natural wave as long as you can. Turn to AAS when you can no longer grow and have plateued for several years.

  20. #20
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    True^ I went from 155-190 in 15 months in Afghanistan and if I can manage that in a war zone you should be just fine to gain a little more first considering all of the available amenities in our countries.
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  21. #21
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    OP, you have to understand, the vets are here to help but they are rarely ever going to help someone of your age. It's that simple. AAS at your age is dangerous. Like, rest of your life dangerous. Lov isn't trying to be rude. He's trying to do what's best for you.

    Spend some time reading through the nutrition section. You will learn a lot more there than here. Listen to what we're saying. There is no reason for you to run test at your age.
    RangerDanger830 likes this.

  22. #22
    robmb is offline New Member
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    deal me in, After doing it my first time and gaining so quickly with the right diet, and my strength increasing so much so quickly. Its very hard to not want to do it. I have several friends m,y age who do it and have gained incredible strength and mass. Its like a pot of gold sitting in front of you.. waiting for you to take it.

  23. #23
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    So the heaviest you have been is 175. You put on 20ish from the first cycle and 8ish from the second. So you started at roughly 147lbs. Do you realize why that is a bad thing? Just because you are young does not mean I will not help you like Deal Me In says, I just want you to know what you are getting yourself into but you clearly do not.

    You are not nearly informed enough as is evident by nearly every post you have put up here. I am not hating on you, just being honest. There is not a question you have asked that is not on here already, most of them have been asked recently that I have seen.

    For starters, you do not have what we refer to on here as a decent base. Your muscles and tendons were relatively weak being only 140 some odd pounds. You go and gain 20lbs quickly and no doubt your strength increased very rapidly.

    You muscles got really strong but your tendons and ligaments cannot keep up. They do not grow in strength as fast as muscles. So there is no doubt you have injury in your future if you do not take awhile to catch everything up by lifting naturally and slowing it down for a little bit.

    It looks like a pot of gold, but when you look closely given your circumstances it is really going to end up being iron pyrite. Just because your friends are doing it does not mean it is okay or that you should do it. Be your own man. Your friends clearly are not the type I would follow around anyway considering the advice they are giving you and example they are setting.

    Furthermore, I am not entirely convinced you know what you are doing. There is a major fault in your workout routine or diet. The first cycle sounds about right at 20lbs, I can see that given your stature. But gaining only 8lbs at what would have been a starting weight of 167lbs.

    If I was only 167lbs I would expect to gain a lot more off of even the most basic test cycle. Even after passing the 200 benchmark my cycles still net me that much lean mass at least each time I bulk.

    I will wrap this up, even if you were a little older I still would tell you to wait. You do have the knowledge to make something happen with your body, you just do not have the knowledge to do it to the utmost of your ability yet.

  24. #24
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robmb View Post
    deal me in, After doing it my first time and gaining so quickly with the right diet, and my strength increasing so much so quickly. Its very hard to not want to do it. I have several friends m,y age who do it and have gained incredible strength and mass. Its like a pot of gold sitting in front of you.. waiting for you to take it.
    You and your friends haven't even begun to see the side effects yet. You see that pot of gold and conclude there are no consequences to "dipping in".

    There are numerous threads in here by guys who had exactly the same attitude. Every day, numerous times through out the day, new guys show up and offer the same arguments we've heard a million times before. "My buddy this", "my buddy that", "this guy I know", "they had no problems", and yet not one of these new guys can support their claims with pictures or blood work to ascert that "these guys" are in the clear. The assumption is that if you look and feel fine, you must be.

    Several years ago I treated a young guy (he was 24) who started using PHs at 17 and then steroids at 18. He came to my clinic with complaints of headaches, shortness of breath, and occassional pain and numbness in his left leg from the knee down. He was a big kid. 5"11, 258 lbs (at the time). He admitted to running numerous cycles, at high doses, without cycling off. I ran his blood work and checked his lipids. His LDL, which should be no higher than 130 was 678 and his HDL what I should be now lower than 40 was 6.8. His serum looked the consistency of melted butter. To be honest, he was a walking time bomb.

    That's only one of example in many, albeit one of the more extreme (and worst) cases I've ever seen in medicine, but the point is, don't assume everything is fine.

  25. #25
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    first tren cycle i did 300mg/test and 300mg/tren. I just pinned 50mg of each 6 days a week and that worked fine.

  26. #26
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    first tren cycle i did 300mg/test and 300mg/tren. I just pinned 50mg of each 6 days a week and that worked fine.
    You're giving a 20 year old kid advice on how to take Tren ?

  27. #27
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    You're giving a 20 year old kid advice on how to take Tren?
    I didn't check his age, so I guess I am. Even if I didn't list what I did, he would get it off this forum without my post.

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