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  1. #1
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    calorie deficit and building muscle on tren and prop?

    Hi guys

    Just wondering if it's possible to build a good amount of muscle on a calorie deficit while on cutting and running tren and prop 8 weeks straight

  2. #2
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Energy in less then energy out equals weight loss, including muscle depending on how great that difference is, energy in greater then energy out equals weight gain to put it simply,

    So what are your cycle goals, exp and stats to start with?

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Please do not start multiple threads with the same question just because you did not get your answer as quickly as you would like.

    cutting on tren and prop

  4. #4
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry still learning the rules.

    Age. 26
    Weight 86kg
    Height 176cm
    Bf% 17
    Been training for 3 years
    Had surgery over my Ac joint and rotator cuff as I had alot of degeneration of for Ac joint. I lost all muscle mass and got fat. Surgery was last year June. I started training again in march this year and been following a diet a mate had written up for me which was pretty much around my maintainance n he told me to incorporate Cardio 30min 5 times a week. My goal is to be under10% bf and have a decent physique. I have done 2 cycles in the past before my injury. 1st Sus deca and second was test e dbol .

  5. #5
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Sorry still learning the rules.

    Age. 26
    Weight 86kg
    Height 176cm
    Bf% 17
    Been training for 3 years
    Had surgery over my Ac joint and rotator cuff as I had alot of degeneration of for Ac joint. I lost all muscle mass and got fat. Surgery was last year June. I started training again in march this year and been following a diet a mate had written up for me which was pretty much around my maintainance n he told me to incorporate Cardio 30min 5 times a week. My goal is to be under10% bf and have a decent physique. I have done 2 cycles in the past before my injury. 1st Sus deca and second was test e dbol.
    Hey bro ujust go back in the game and u want to run the most powerful aas.. Ur going to end up f*cking up ur shoulder again IMO. Give urself at least another 6-12 months.

  6. #6
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    I have 0 pain in my shoulder with full rom. I'll take ur advice regarding the tren for sure but is there anything else I can run?

  7. #7
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    I have 0 pain in my shoulder with full rom. I'll take ur advice regarding the tren for sure but is there anything else I can run?
    When was the last time u ran a cycle?

  8. #8
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Ive had shoulder surgery and the best compound I have found by far is nandrolone , I prefer the phenylpropionate verison myself as I only use short esters, all my joints feel great while on it and for some time after.

    Though honestly I think you would bennifit more from increased cardio and possible clenbuterol or albuterol until you bf% is down around 13 then look at a cycle were you can be more generous with cals and really harden up while cutting.


  9. #9
    Charger527's Avatar
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    Also you have only been training after injury a short time im sure there is alot more gains in the strength department and fat to be lost naturally before you reach a good level to jump into a cycle. Jumping on to early leads to injuries and loss of gains after cycle if you want your moneys worth best to wait until you are at your peak.

    If your insisnt on cycling if I was you id work towards a burst cycle mid jan next year, or at the earliest mid nov (though that will involve pct or xmas). varvr cycling from now until then will defiantly drop some bf and serve as a solid prime for the burst.

  10. #10
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry what's varvr?

  11. #11
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Oh typo im on my phone, supposed to say carb

  12. #12
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Atm my diet on training days is protein 280g carbs 270 and 70g fats? U think this is a good base to get low bf digits by December Jan ( Australian summer)

  13. #13
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Atm my diet on training days is protein 280g carbs 270 and 70g fats? U think this is a good base to get low bf digits by December Jan ( Australian summer)
    Don't really need that much protein. 1g per lb of LBM is plenty, a little more to be on the safe side. And total calories depends on your TDEE, find that and eat 500 calories under to lose a pound a week. Use that to plan the amount of BF you want to lose within the time frame. I'm around 17% atm as well, a little more and am planning to start a cut in a week. I'm going to cut roughly 6% off, around 4-5kg over 1.5-2 month period. Not worried about beach season (i'm aus too), its just the way it fell haha.

  14. #14
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks kazima

    I'm 84-85 kg atm how much you think I would have to lose to be 10%. Also I'm worried if I drop alot of weight I'm gonna look like a weed. I have never cut weight b4 I'm an ectomorph and have always been on the hunt for mass

  15. #15
    Khazima's Avatar
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    It's a pretty rough estimate and i'm really tired but i'd say 6-7kg would get you near 10%, basically all you need to do is get your total bodyweight and minus 7%, so that's 7% total mass you're cutting, which could include some muscle, but say you lost no LBM then 6-7kg would get you to 10% (roughly).

    Also if you're worried about losing too much muscle, cut slower, and less muscle will go to waste with the cut.

  16. #16
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks mate ur been a great help

  17. #17
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Thanks mate ur been a great help
    you're very welcome brother.

  18. #18
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Regarding tren and prop with the goal to be under 10% bf and still building muscle. Is it advisable to be under 500 on tdee or maintainance?

  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Regarding tren and prop with the goal to be under 10% bf and still building muscle. Is it advisable to be under 500 on tdee or maintainance?
    If you want to drop fat and grow a little or maintain you need to be at TDEE. Being below you will get more lean so your muscles will definitely look bigger but you are most likely going to loose some size.

  20. #20
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    If you want to drop fat and grow a little or maintain you need to be at TDEE. Being below you will get more lean so your muscles will definitely look bigger but you are most likely going to loose some size.

    Thank you for the reply. Will work out what I want to do and plan ahead.

    Would you recommend running prop and tren for 10 weeks or 8? Or would you run the prop at 10 and tren at 8 as I heard alot of ppl do.

  21. #21
    Machdiesel's Avatar
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    Cals in/cals out goes out the window with AAS. Guys can go into cycle losing a lb a week and a few weeks into tren gain weight/drop bf. People only like to look at calories eaten but ignore the otner half. Changing hormones changes Calories out and how they are used. Yes you can be on a calorie deficit pre cycle, keep cals cobstant and gain muscle/drop bf.

  22. #22
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
    Cals in/cals out goes out the window with AAS. Guys can go into cycle losing a lb a week and a few weeks into tren gain weight/drop bf. People only like to look at calories eaten but ignore the otner half. Changing hormones changes Calories out and how they are used. Yes you can be on a calorie deficit pre cycle, keep cals cobstant and gain muscle/drop bf.
    Thanks machdiesel

  23. #23
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Thank you for the reply. Will work out what I want to do and plan ahead.

    Would you recommend running prop and tren for 10 weeks or 8? Or would you run the prop at 10 and tren at 8 as I heard alot of ppl do.
    It would depend on the ester of Tren , I am assuming you are talking about Ace since you are taking prop?

    I wouldn't cycle yet if it were me but if you do decide to cycle soon anyway I would be very careful with that injury. Just because you have no pain doesn't mean you are 100%. Gaining a lot of strength really fast only a few months after being in the gym again is not going to be good for it.

  24. #24
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post

    It would depend on the ester of Tren , I am assuming you are talking about Ace since you are taking prop?

    I wouldn't cycle yet if it were me but if you do decide to cycle soon anyway I would be very careful with that injury. Just because you have no pain doesn't mean you are 100%. Gaining a lot of strength really fast only a few months after being in the gym again is not going to be good for it.
    I really think my shoulder is 100% I'm shoulder pressing alot more than what I use to b4 my injury. But I'm not gonna jump on any AAS until mid next year. I'm asking all the questions regarding the tren n prop now so I can do some more research and have everything ready to go.

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