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  1. #1
    MR BICEPS is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2002

    What is good to add with test/deca for mass?

    I'm wanting to gain some serious mass without damaging my liver. What would be good to use in conjuinction with deca 400mgs a week and a gram of test enanthate ?

  2. #2
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    May 2002
    Dbol ........1 G of test a week woooooooooow whats ur cycle history?..

  3. #3
    chevy44's Avatar
    chevy44 is offline Member
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    Dec 2002
    yeah one gram is WAY to much(if ur new to the game)! stick to about 5-600mgs and dbol would be a great idea to jumpstart ur cycle and get some good mass!

  4. #4
    MR BICEPS is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2002
    The reason I have never tried d-bol is because I thought it only makes you water, then post cycle your back to where you started. I want to take something that will produces keepable gains for the most part. Will d-bol work? Also I'm afraid winny will hurt my existing joint problems. Any solutions around that?

  5. #5
    chevy44's Avatar
    chevy44 is offline Member
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    as far as d-bol and keepable gains go, im not sure(never tried it) but if ur going to take deca than thatll help w/ the joints!

  6. #6
    MR BICEPS is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2002
    So winny and d-bil with the test-eq would bring about some great results in comparison to just test-eq? Looks like taking more of one or two steroids would or could give you the same affect. Thats where I'm missing the boat. Can someone explain what these differences are? I've really never heard anyone give a good explanation concerning this issue.

    Thanks guys

  7. #7
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by MR BICEPS
    So winny and d-bil with the test-eq would bring about some great results in comparison to just test-eq? Looks like taking more of one or two steroids would or could give you the same affect. Thats where I'm missing the boat. Can someone explain what these differences are? I've really never heard anyone give a good explanation concerning this issue.

    Thanks guys
    When dealing with the use of AS, more is seldom better. You need to use a certain amount to get the desired effect, but using twice as much will not give you twice the effect. It could, however, give you twice the side effects! Stick with a dose that will allow you to make good gains, but don't go overboard here. You should get plenty of mass from 400mg EQ and 500mg test enanthate per week, provided your diet is up to par.

    If mass is your only concern, you could start with some d-bol, say 30-35mg/day for the first four weeks. The d-bol does cause some water retention, but I think this is where you may be confused. The water is held in your muscles, actually making them bigger. It's not like the water is just floating around under your skin making you all soft and flabby. You will also see some strength increases from the d-bol. The reason it is added in the first few weeks is because it is a fast-acting steroid and allows the user to see progress very quickly, as opposed to waiting three to four weeks for the longer acting juice to start working. When used in this manner, the gains you get from d-bol do not disappear, but are rather build upon by the longer ester drugs when they "catch up."

    I hope this helps to clear up any misconceptions you may have and points you in the right direction.


  8. #8
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Add EQ

  9. #9
    MR BICEPS is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2002
    MOTTOXX GUY I understand now about the d-bol , thanks! BILLYBATHGATE, I thought EQ and DECA cancelled one another out?

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