09-21-2014, 06:06 PM #1
3rd cycle review
My first was when I was 21. Was 500mg test, clomid/Nolva pct. after that cycle i stopped working out for about 4 yrs, lost all my gains and got fat.
After I got my ass back in the gym for about 2yr I did my second cycle. Again 10 week 500mg/wk test e w prop kickstart, 500iu/wk hcg , 12.5mg stane eod, clomid/Nolva pct. had great gains w it.
224lb approx 13% bf. will get bodpod soon after pct
Looking to do the following
Wk 1-4 test prop 100mg/eod
Week 1-10 test e 500mg/wk
Week 6-12 var 60mg/day
Week 10-12 test prop 100mg/eod
Maybe clen for last 2 weeks
Hcg till 3 days before pct
Stane if I notice gyno.
Pct 5 days after last prop
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
I'm gonna be cutting on this cycle.
200-250 carbs, 350 protein, 60 fat
Cardio 4-5 days 45 mins, weights 3 on 1 off
Shit, looks very well laid out to me
09-21-2014, 06:25 PM #3
I should mention this is planned for December. I am goin to get bloods 6 weeks after this pct.
Is 6 week var to long?
I already have everything on hand for cycle and pct so it's just a waiting game.
I've done basic research on clen . I have 3 months to pin it down on if and how to do it.
09-21-2014, 06:32 PM #5
09-21-2014, 07:51 PM #6
Originally Posted by lucabratzi
6 weeks of Var I am pretty sure is nowhere near as bad as 4 weeks of dRol or another strong oral.
I don't see it being that big of an issue.
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