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  1. #1
    5x10's Avatar
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    Any older guys, 35+, recover after cycle?

    I'm 35, lifted 21 yrs, have done 6 cycles
    Most recent cycle, 500mg test/week, 12 weeks, ended a little over 6 months ago
    Everything seems back to normal except my libido
    Rarely am I horny, porn doesn't interest me, and my wife and i's sex life has really dropped off(about once a week)

    I'm at a crossroads as I want that libido back, but, I feel like I'm too young to start trt, which would be the choice as I am not recovering

    Should I give it more time, lower my libido expectations, or get back on? Any older guys have some advice on how they recovered?
    I need to get bloodwork done but I'm pretty sure my t is low
    Also, for pct last time, I did hcg then clomid


  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    and the results of your blood panels are?

  3. #3
    got fina?'s Avatar
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    Im 37 and often times feel the same. The only problem with me is that my Test is 725 and think its a mistake for me to jump on TRT.
    Even with 725 i dont have a quarter of the sex drive i used to have. The only way to really be sure on what your next decision is, would be to get blood work. I dont think you can just go by how you feel.

    Good luck~!

  4. #4
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    I'm 38 and have been on TRT for the past 2 years. Libido is great and would never go back.

  5. #5
    dazzle1 is offline New Member
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    I'm 35

    Finished 14 weeks of Test E and Tren E

    It was my first cycle.
    I ran nolva during the entire cycle.
    I made lots of great gains that I'm trying to hold on to now.

    I didn't diet well during my cycle for sure, and learned quite a lot about what to do and expect next time.

    Waited two weeks to start my PCT.
    Clomid and Nolva

    I'm week three into my PCT right now.
    I was so wiped out last week. Lethargy. Ugh.
    Didn't see that one coming.

    I'm already planning my next cycle
    Last edited by dazzle1; 10-05-2014 at 07:39 PM.

  6. #6
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzle1 View Post
    I'm 35

    Finished 14 weeks of Test E and Tren E

    It was my first cycle.
    I ran nolva during the entire cycle.
    I made lots of great gains that I'm trying to hold on to now.

    I didn't diet well during my cycle for sure, and learned quite a lot about what to do and expect next time.

    Waited two weeks to start my PCT.
    Clomid and Nolva

    I'm week three into my PCT right now.
    I was so wiped out last week. Lethargy. Ugh.
    Didn't see that one coming.

    I'm already planning my next cycle
    I never feel big drop offs until about 6 weeks after last pin

    I thought I recovered fairly well this cycle, but libido seems to have stalled
    Nailed the wife last night, although she was the one that initiated it
    She says" see, it's still get hard", I lol and say she doesn't get it
    I then asked her, wouldn't you like to do this every night? That's what I'm talking about

    It's not that I can't get hard, it's that we aren't doing it as much as I liked too
    By far, I enjoy the libido of a cycle the best vs the other positives it brings

  7. #7
    maddad is offline Junior Member
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    Youre gonna have to be in the three hundreds before a dr puts u on trt

  8. #8
    Deal Me In's Avatar
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    I'm 41, so a little older than you. Like you, I've been cycling for several years and never had a problem recovering. In the spring, I did my first cycle with tren . I had the exact same issue with libido for about 10 weeks. No ED, just a loss of libido. After 8 weeks I had a blood test done and my number where fine but no libido.

    It took 10 weeks for it to come back. I don't know how common that is but it's my experience. I've decided that I won't do Tren again unless I'm on TRT.

  9. #9
    Lee_1978's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    I'm 35, lifted 21 yrs, have done 6 cycles
    Most recent cycle, 500mg test/week, 12 weeks, ended a little over 6 months ago
    Everything seems back to normal except my libido
    Rarely am I horny, porn doesn't interest me, and my wife and i's sex life has really dropped off(about once a week)

    I'm at a crossroads as I want that libido back, but, I feel like I'm too young to start trt, which would be the choice as I am not recovering

    Should I give it more time, lower my libido expectations, or get back on? Any older guys have some advice on how they recovered?
    I need to get bloodwork done but I'm pretty sure my t is low
    Also, for pct last time, I did hcg then clomid

    I was always led to believe HCG is used on cycle only and the Nolva/Clomid combo is used for PCT? Could this have something to do with it?

  10. #10
    mackbutter's Avatar
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    This is an interesting topic. I'm sure we all have heard for many years that age 35 is when natural production begins to drop off more noticeably on avg. This is often the age when guys decide to ,"Either piss ,or get off the can" meaning that they decide whether to continue juicing or call it quits because rebounding from a cycle becomes more difficult once u pass the 35yrs mark. I have known many guys who took AAS for 10-15 yrs and then once they hit 35 they called it quits.
    In my case I don't understand why someone would do Tren ever . For me there are only a few AAS that I consider . Test, proviron and GH(and possibly masteron and primo) . Tren (which I've never tried) sounds like it really does a number on one's endocrine system?
    I started a 20 week of test e in Marc or April , and I've recovered well with hcg , then clomid and Nolva. I'm 40.

    I do realize that I may not continue being so lucky but would not mind TRT .I'm considering TRT because while my natural test is still within range I believe my quality of life is a bit better with some test.

    As far as one's libido goes I would take a look at prolactin and obviously estradiol...
    Then , as far as treating libido symptoms, I would look into proviron, melanotan (and maybe some low dose clomid?) and cialis.

  11. #11
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    I was always led to believe HCG is used on cycle only and the Nolva/Clomid combo is used for PCT? Could this have something to do with it?
    I stopped hcg 5 days prior to clomid

    After thinking about it, I might not have low t, possibly the normal libido of a 35 yr old married man
    I could have gotten used to the elevated libido on test, it's easy too

    Workouts are intense, decent metabolism, etc

  12. #12
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    38, did a 14 weeks test e 500mgs, hcg during cycle, clomid and nolva for pct. 1st cycle.

    Finished PCT 4-5 weeks ago. Libido has been normal, as before starting cycle I would say, of course during cycle was through the roof!
    Only lost couple of pounds during PCT that have already gained back

    Test before cycle was 582, scheduled to do new BW in a week or two.

    Feel great, nothing bad to report. Maybe thinking of doing another cycle.

  13. #13
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I just came off 20 weeks cycle, and Its haaaard to get my libido back. I'm 29. I'm on a strong PCT, I hope to recover. I'm also forced to have sex at least 1 time a day. and everytime, there's a moment where I loose my erecction.

  14. #14
    zempey's Avatar
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    I'm 42 and been with my wife for 25 years, I have no libido anymore, lol. I was on 600mg test and 200mg tren e for 20/12 weeks then pct of clomid and nolva. My libido went up a little on cycle and has returned to normal, which is almost nonexistent, I have recovered but it took a while to feel normal. Being with the same person for so long has probably done more damage to my libido than my hormone levels. I do get more frisky after a night of drinking, but that is about it. The wife is very unhappy with my libido issues, but still not enough to get in the gym and try to kick start it that way. I will be doing a blast cruise in dec this year starting with a 8 week test only then cruise until april and hit test and tren again. My libido should go up during this time.

  15. #15
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I'm 42 and been with my wife for 25 years, I have no libido anymore, lol. I was on 600mg test and 200mg tren e for 20/12 weeks then pct of clomid and nolva. My libido went up a little on cycle and has returned to normal, which is almost nonexistent, I have recovered but it took a while to feel normal. Being with the same person for so long has probably done more damage to my libido than my hormone levels. I do get more frisky after a night of drinking, but that is about it. The wife is very unhappy with my libido issues, but still not enough to get in the gym and try to kick start it that way. I will be doing a blast cruise in dec this year starting with a 8 week test only then cruise until april and hit test and tren again. My libido should go up during this time.
    Lol, I hear ya on the same woman being a detriment to the libido
    My wife and I have ups and downs, so I can gauge my own libido independently via porn
    When I'm on, I have sex once a day and look at porn
    Since coming off, little to no porn
    Almost would rather read the news than look at it

  16. #16
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    Lol, I hear ya on the same woman being a detriment to the libido
    My wife and I have ups and downs, so I can gauge my own libido independently via porn
    When I'm on, I have sex once a day and look at porn
    Since coming off, little to no porn
    Almost would rather read the news than look at it
    Be careful with porn, its can cause ED. Do rather sex, because porn is like cheating, sooner or later you won’t get it up without cheating. I stopped porn just in time, and now I feel much better and I have much more real sex.

  17. #17
    jeep187's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I'm 42 and been with my wife for 25 years, I have no libido anymore, lol. I was on 600mg test and 200mg tren e for 20/12 weeks then pct of clomid and nolva. My libido went up a little on cycle and has returned to normal, which is almost nonexistent, I have recovered but it took a while to feel normal. Being with the same person for so long has probably done more damage to my libido than my hormone levels. I do get more frisky after a night of drinking, but that is about it. The wife is very unhappy with my libido issues, but still not enough to get in the gym and try to kick start it that way. I will be doing a blast cruise in dec this year starting with a 8 week test only then cruise until april and hit test and tren again. My libido should go up during this time.
    Are you saying that your wife needs to get in better shape and then you might be more attracted to her? My wife started going to the gym with me and really busting her ass. She's in great shape now. I do feel more attracted to her and she feels better about herself. We've been together for 17yrs

  18. #18
    maddad is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 45, today is my 19 year wedding anniversary so about 25 years total with the same woman. My wife is a figure competitor currently and i still haven't had a libido for a couple years. At first I was mad that it left without saying good bye and for a while i didn't care that it had gone. No amount of test brings it back.

    I'm not in any rush to have the doctor put me on trt. My natural level is only 480 so another 5 years and it'll be gone too. I don't know what my point is here just enjoying the thread and tossing in my two cents.

  19. #19
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddad View Post
    I'm 45, today is my 19 year wedding anniversary so about 25 years total with the same woman. My wife is a figure competitor currently and i still haven't had a libido for a couple years. At first I was mad that it left without saying good bye and for a while i didn't care that it had gone. No amount of test brings it back.

    I'm not in any rush to have the doctor put me on trt. My natural level is only 480 so another 5 years and it'll be gone too. I don't know what my point is here just enjoying the thread and tossing in my two cents.
    25 years waaaa, I can't even stay 1 year with the same one. I wish I could be like that and after 25 years still have sex everyday hahaha

  20. #20
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Be careful with porn, its can cause ED. Do rather sex, because porn is like cheating, sooner or later you won’t get it up without cheating. I stopped porn just in time, and now I feel much better and I have much more real sex.
    Meh, I'm not worried about porn interfering with my ability to get hard
    Maybe some guys, but not me, been watching porn for decades and still can get hard

    But, I don't even want to watch porn now, lol, would rather read about the weather

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I'm also forced to have sex at least 1 time a day.
    Huh? Forced?

    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I'm 42 and been with my wife for 25 years, I have no libido anymore, lol. I was on 600mg test and 200mg tren e for 20/12 weeks then pct of clomid and nolva. My libido went up a little on cycle and has returned to normal, which is almost nonexistent, I have recovered but it took a while to feel normal. Being with the same person for so long has probably done more damage to my libido than my hormone levels. I do get more frisky after a night of drinking, but that is about it. The wife is very unhappy with my libido issues, but still not enough to get in the gym and try to kick start it that way. I will be doing a blast cruise in dec this year starting with a 8 week test only then cruise until april and hit test and tren again. My libido should go up during this time.
    Quote Originally Posted by maddad View Post
    I'm 45, today is my 19 year wedding anniversary so about 25 years total with the same woman. My wife is a figure competitor currently and i still haven't had a libido for a couple years. At first I was mad that it left without saying good bye and for a while i didn't care that it had gone. No amount of test brings it back.

    I'm not in any rush to have the doctor put me on trt. My natural level is only 480 so another 5 years and it'll be gone too. I don't know what my point is here just enjoying the thread and tossing in my two cents.
    Have you guys considered low dose daily Cialis? Possibly in conjunction with low dose Doxazosin? That combo has done wonders for many guys:

    If that fails take a look into Trimix.
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  22. #22
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Huh? Forced?

    Have you guys considered low dose daily Cialis? Possibly in conjunction with low dose Doxazosin? That combo has done wonders for many guys:

    If that fails take a look into Trimix.
    correct me if I'm wrong, but cialis only improves blood flow right? Meaning, it has no impact on libido

  23. #23
    oldnfl42's Avatar
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    Caber and Cialis for libido and erection. Daily 50mg zinc, vitamin D, and perhaps DIM would be good as well.

    Personally did well with all of those sans the DIM post cycle. Haven't tried DIM yet.

  24. #24
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    correct me if I'm wrong, but cialis only improves blood flow right? Meaning, it has no impact on libido
    Exactly correct, it's not an aphrodisiac. But consider that cialis is simply one of the healthiest things a man can take. Even approved by the FDA for BPH. Your drive to have sex comes from within. The only OTC aphrodisiac that comes to my mind is PT-141.
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  25. #25
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Your drive to have sex comes from within.
    Or from a vial

  26. #26
    zempey's Avatar
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    Or little colored pills, but that is probably part of my problem, did a lot of raving when I was in my 30's.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    Or from a vial
    Ha! On occasion, yep!
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  28. #28
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    I use cialis and pt141 when i want to impress...

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I use cialis and pt141 when i want to impress...
    You can skip both of them and go directly to Trimix if you're looking for a killer night. She'll tap out.
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  30. #30
    5x10's Avatar
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    Well, I pussed out and took the plunge tonight
    400 test, 200 deca (for tha joints)

    Don't plan on staying on forever, will run it 12-14 weeks and pct again

  31. #31
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Honestly, if you guys aren't feeling horny at all it is time to do something. I have always had an ok sex drive but once I started TRT I want to screw all the time. Having a happy and healthy home life is more important than anything else to me. I am 42 btw.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    Honestly, if you guys aren't feeling horny at all it is time to do something. I have always had an ok sex drive but once I started TRT I want to screw all the time. Having a happy and healthy home life is more important than anything else to me. I am 42 btw.
    That's the whole reason I got back on after 6 months
    Once or twice a week just wasn't cutting it for me, I really enjoyed banging my wife nightly
    When I'm on, I'm always horny

  33. #33
    maddad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    That's the whole reason I got back on after 6 months
    Once or twice a week just wasn't cutting it for me, I really enjoyed banging my wife nightly
    When I'm on, I'm always horny
    Might as well go on a tear, what the hell when we die they're just gonna dig a hole and toss us in it so let's just do reps with heavy objects and smoke cigars while we do it.

  34. #34
    Hellboyxxx is offline New Member
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    Sorry for asking but what is DIM...?
    It's an interesting thread. I have low or none libido after a long cycle without aromazine, tamoxifen etc. Only during PCT.... Need help!

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