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Thread: 23.Super skinny.First cycle & Need suggestions

  1. #1
    Avazar is offline New Member
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    Arrow 23.Super skinny.First cycle & Need suggestions

    To start off..I've been super skinny my whole life.I have been regular in gym for about a year and half. When I started I was about 42kgs (92 lbs). My initial gains were good and I went upto 110 lbs in two months. After that I hit a plateau gained little to nothing despite strictly following my diet plan along with the gym. I've not been to gym for about two years although i regularly do workouts at home (more or less)
    So I'll be starting my first cycle soon. I need to have an edge this time.
    Please suggest what I should be starting with. Oral only. Injections are not my thing. Also PCT if its necessary?
    Here's my info
    23.5 years
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Tips? Precautions? Thankyou

  2. #2
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're not eating enough, it's impossible not to gain weight if you're in a surplus, and as you said you've stayed at 110lb, so the answer is simple.. Eat more.

    Oral only is a terrible idea anyway, and with your current base you're not only most likely going to do damage to your organs and endocrine system but also obtain injuries.

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    You can shure do an oral cycle. For example proviron + a wet compound like dbol or anadrol for mass, or proviron + anavar or winstrol for definition (not your thing).
    Will you love the short terms results? Yes.
    Will you love the long term results? No.
    Once you stop, you’ll go back to where you started.
    Why? Because orals shouldn’t be taken longer than 4 weeks, and in 4 weeks, you won’t have the time to grow real muscle tissue.
    If you want to enter this world, you have to loose that scare for the needles.
    Its the only right way trust me, I started like you, with oral only, and that was shit, libido loss, problems, felt sick all day, then I tried injected, and everything went fine.
    Start with oral if you want to give it a try, take in mind its very toxic and you can get serious problems with your libido, and you will probably loose everything during PCT.
    For your info, I’m injecting everything with a 29G gauge, thats the insulin 1,5cm gauge, you won’t even feel it, its perfect for us skinny guys, we don’t have a thick fat layer to pass through.

  4. #4
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    You can shure do an oral cycle. For example proviron + a wet compound like dbol or anadrol for mass, or proviron + anavar or winstrol for definition (not your thing).
    Will you love the short terms results? Yes.
    Will you love the long term results? No.
    Once you stop, you’ll go back to where you started.
    Why? Because orals shouldn’t be taken longer than 4 weeks, and in 4 weeks, you won’t have the time to grow real muscle tissue.
    If you want to enter this world, you have to loose that scare for the needles.
    Its the only right way trust me, I started like you, with oral only, and that was shit, libido loss, problems, felt sick all day, then I tried injected, and everything went fine.
    Start with oral if you want to give it a try, take in mind its very toxic and you can get serious problems with your libido, and you will probably loose everything during PCT.
    For your info, I’m injecting everything with a 29G gauge, thats the insulin 1,5cm gauge, you won’t even feel it, its perfect for us skinny guys, we don’t have a thick fat layer to pass through.
    DO NOT listen to this guy, read this (Intermittent erecctions) to get an idea of how much of a halfwit he is.

    Andrea don't go giving out advice to people who are clearly not ready to cycle, you have next to no real knowledge on AAS judging by your post, and previous ones. It's all good and well to know nothing and post ridiculous threads showing how stupid you are and the dangerous cycles you run.. But don't go giving dangerous advice to newbs.

  5. #5
    hartsb is offline New Member
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    My 2 cents would be your not dedicated enough to training or eating, if you think one cycle of anything and going to gym for 3 months is your easy fix I'd think again. Once you have built a solid base from a couple of solid years of training and eating correctly then should you look at alternatives.

    Until you have exhausted all your growth from lots of food and training then should you ask this question and after you have read the stickies about what a first cycle should be. All in all eat a heap more and train with a strict plan in place otherwise you won't be able to do this once you start doing a cycle..

  6. #6
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    DO NOT listen to this guy, read this (Intermittent erecctions) to get an idea of how much of a halfwit he is.

    Andrea don't go giving out advice to people who are clearly not ready to cycle, you have next to no real knowledge on AAS judging by your post, and previous ones. It's all good and well to know nothing and post ridiculous threads showing how stupid you are and the dangerous cycles you run.. But don't go giving dangerous advice to newbs.
    stupid and dangerous cycle?? so the most here are doing stupid and dangerous cycles aswell.
    its not a good Idea to do an oral only cycle, but its posible, and there are many fórums dedicated to that. me personally, I wouldn't do that anymore.

  7. #7
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    stupid and dangerous cycle?? so the most here are doing stupid and dangerous cycles aswell.
    its not a good Idea to do an oral only cycle, but its posible, and there are many fórums dedicated to that. me personally, I wouldn't do that anymore.
    You just finished running tren for 16 weeks and test for 20, none of the educated folk here is thick enough to do that and then complain and about not being able to have sex atleast twice a day. And you literally laid out 2 terrible oral only cycles for him, you're a dangerous member and I hope you're banned soon enough.. Although you can be fun to laugh at.
    purav91 likes this.

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    And you literally laid out 2 terrible oral only cycles for him, you're a dangerous member and I hope you're banned soon enough.. Although you can be fun to laugh at.
    x2 x2

  9. #9
    uhit's Avatar
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    View anabolic substances as supplements. You do not need any supplements for the time being. What you need is FOOD.

    Eat more food. If you have difficulty counting calories or have no desire to, buy a larger plate and eat from there. Doing so you've easily added more calories. You don't need to eat every 2-3 hours, 3-4 meals will suffice however they must be calorie filled meals, i.e. Throw in some nuts, dash some extra seasoning on the meat etc.

    JUST EAT. Do not 'Lean bulk', just eat whatever you feel like as long as you are hitting a surplus you will gain weight. And if you are not then eat even more.

    And don't worry about getting 'fat', because at 110lbs and only 5'8... I think thats borderline anorexia. So all the best.

  10. #10
    bifda's Avatar
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    You need food food and more food and don't listen to Andreax.

  11. #11
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    so there's the answer, eat

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post

    stupid and dangerous cycle?? so the most here are doing stupid and dangerous cycles aswell.
    its not a good Idea to do an oral only cycle, but its posible, and there are many fórums dedicated to that. me personally, I wouldn't do that anymore.
    What is dangerous for one person may not be for another. I think he is saying it was not good advice and dangerous in this case for the op

    Agreed. You need to eat. Here is some simple math. If you want to weigh 200 lbs you need to eat like a 200 lbs person.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-06-2014 at 10:32 AM.

  13. #13
    Avazar is offline New Member
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    Thankyou all for your replies.
    To be very honest I fail to understand how I'm not ready for steroids .No doubt eating more makes perfect sense.And tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    Worked amazing for the first two months until I got frustrated out of it when plateau lasted for a whole year(I have no clue how to explain that)
    As of now I'm pretty damn sure I've got some messed up hormones because quite frankly I've always felt my testosterone is way below average if not the worst low
    And now I believe as I'm destined to stay skinny like my father who didn't gain any mass until he was 30 unless I do take some risks and hope fully my hormones start doing some work this time

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    Thankyou all for your replies.
    To be very honest I fail to understand how I'm not ready for steroids .No doubt eating more makes perfect sense.And tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    Worked amazing for the first two months until I got frustrated out of it when plateau lasted for a whole year(I have no clue how to explain that)
    As of now I'm pretty damn sure I've got some messed up hormones because quite frankly I've always felt my testosterone is way below average if not the worst low
    And now I believe as I'm destined to stay skinny like my father who didn't gain any mass until he was 30 unless I do take some risks and hope fully my hormones start doing some work this time
    When in doubt go get bloodwork and see if your fears are confirmed.

    But until then, stay clear of the anabolic substances and try switching up your gym routine.

    A clear sign of low test levels is if you cannot get a hard on.... I'm in my early 20's and I wake up with wood and it sometimes randomly shoots up (too much info i think lol) in the day which indicates to me that I have no business using steroids.

    Wish you all the best in what you decide to do though.

    Also... please post your current daily diet with macros (carbs/protein/fats/calories) of each food/meal so we can assess and see where the issue lies, if it is a dietary problem

  15. #15
    rx720bfc is offline New Member
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    I think at your age and that weight you want to go see a doctor and get your test levels checked! I trained a guy similar 42kg naturally we got him up to 56kg but he plateaued out. ending up talking about his s*x life don't ask why and he said he rarely got boners and wasn't bothered. I told him to go to a doctor and checked his test and it was unbelievably low and the scribed him pharma grade sus 250 with in a couple of months he was at 90kg mark

  16. #16
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    Thankyou all for your replies.
    To be very honest I fail to understand how I'm not ready for steroids .No doubt eating more makes perfect sense.And tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    Worked amazing for the first two months until I got frustrated out of it when plateau lasted for a whole year(I have no clue how to explain that)
    As of now I'm pretty damn sure I've got some messed up hormones because quite frankly I've always felt my testosterone is way below average if not the worst low
    And now I believe as I'm destined to stay skinny like my father who didn't gain any mass until he was 30 unless I do take some risks and hope fully my hormones start doing some work this time
    just realize that if you cant eat enough to gain weight without steroids whatever gains you do make on aas will disappear shortly after you come off...just laying it out straight up bro...steroids are not magic and do not compensate for not eating enough...that being said good luck...

  17. #17
    zempey's Avatar
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    Fix your diet and training routines, get blood work done, and stay away from AAS until you are doing everything else correctly for an extended period of time. Plus if you can't inject, then you are not cut out for AAS in the first place. Don't hurt yourself and regret a stupid decision for the rest of your life because you want a quick fix, these things can be dangerous physically and mentally if you are not ready for it.

  18. #18
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    doesn't matter, eat more. I started at 110lb, took me a while to get to 130, then I started counting macros and realized how far behind my TDEE I was and made sure I hit 3000-3500 calories a day, 8 months later I hit 160 (yes I got a little chubby).

  19. #19
    got fina?'s Avatar
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    Someone your size will not benefit from doing any steroids at this point. Let alone, oral ones. If you were to take anything at this point you will see little to no gains because you are not eating enough. You will just end up looking like a puffier version of your current self and after your cycle, will quickly shrink back to your 110lbs.

    You need to eat dude. You will only feel like you are going to throw up in the beginning. After eating well for a bit, your stomach will start to stretch, allowing you more room to eat more without this feeling of throwing up. Seems to me like you just attempted to eat a lot a few times and that is why you felt like that. You cant do that. You must eat a lot, all the time.

    Spend your time on this forum in the diet section. Read there and design yourself a diet to meet your goals. Follow this diet to the T, while continuing to hit the gym. I guarantee you this will give you the results your after and will surpass any steroid cycle you are thinking about doing at this point while not eating enough.

    Good luck!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    Thankyou all for your replies.
    To be very honest I fail to understand how I'm not ready for steroids.No doubt eating more makes perfect sense.And tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    Worked amazing for the first two months until I got frustrated out of it when plateau lasted for a whole year(I have no clue how to explain that)
    As of now I'm pretty damn sure I've got some messed up hormones because quite frankly I've always felt my testosterone is way below average if not the worst low
    And now I believe as I'm destined to stay skinny like my father who didn't gain any mass until he was 30 unless I do take some risks and hope fully my hormones start doing some work this time
    Because you have no base to add muscle to, you dont understand diet/eating and you have no clue what your hormone levels are.

    This is not one of those situations when you THINK your testosterone is low. You need to find out and know. If it's low your doctor can help you out legally.

    You need to visit the nutrition section and figure out what you should be eating and when you should be eating it. I had the hardest time gaining weight until I was mid 20s, close to 30 also. I age a lot and not junk food but what I ate was mostly empty calories so it did me no good.

  21. #21
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    Thankyou all for your replies.
    To be very honest I fail to understand how I'm not ready for steroids .No doubt eating more makes perfect sense.And tbh I have tried eating 6 times a day on a regular basis with the workout to the point where I would literally feel like throwing up every single day
    Worked amazing for the first two months until I got frustrated out of it when plateau lasted for a whole year(I have no clue how to explain that)
    As of now I'm pretty damn sure I've got some messed up hormones because quite frankly I've always felt my testosterone is way below average if not the worst low
    And now I believe as I'm destined to stay skinny like my father who didn't gain any mass until he was 30 unless I do take some risks and hope fully my hormones start doing some work this time
    I somehow doubt you ate 6 meals per day of food for any extended period of time. And even if you did, you weren't getting enough calories. Even if you were low-test, you would've put some pounds on if you were eating more than your total daily expenditure of calories. It might not have been muscle but it would've been weight.

    A lot of skinny guys THINK they eat big when they don't. And a lot of fat guys THINK they don't eat that much when they really do. If you want to make gains, you need to quantify your diet out on paper and stick to it (even if you don't feel like eating that much on any particular day). First thing you need to do is find out how many calories (and macros) you need in order to maintain yourself currently and then adjust it from there.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avazar View Post
    To start off..I've been super skinny my whole life.I have been regular in gym for about a year and half. When I started I was about 42kgs (92 lbs). My initial gains were good and I went upto 110 lbs in two months. After that I hit a plateau gained little to nothing despite strictly following my diet plan along with the gym. I've not been to gym for about two years although i regularly do workouts at home (more or less)
    So I'll be starting my first cycle soon. I need to have an edge this time.
    Please suggest what I should be starting with. Oral only. Injections are not my thing. Also PCT if its necessary?
    Here's my info
    23.5 years
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Tips? Precautions? Thankyou
    I agree with the others responses and can relate to your situation.

    When I first started this quest, I weighed 145. I then learned to eat properly and got to 165; never going over 13% bf.

    145 to 165 took me about 5 years before I hit a plateau that I could not get past.

    One (non oral) cycle and 15 years later I'm 190 at about 15% bf.

    Go to the diet forum and get some help. Also see if TR can give you his macro worksheet or download myfitnesspal and start adding in surplus calories. You will surely gain good weight if you stay committed to eating and training properly.

    A cycle at this point is not what you need.

    Good luck!

  23. #23
    Warrior360 is offline New Member
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    I'll suggest to read read blogs and articles. Become well informed and go through all the options before considering gear,

    rather be safe than sorry

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