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  1. #1
    jbaggs90 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Question The original T Bomb

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with some information?

    About 12 years ago I got a 30 day supply of the original T Bomb from a gnc employee. Not knowing at the time what exactly it was I took as directed by the bottle and had very good results along with a NO2 supplement.

    The results were not drastic but just what I wanted. A drop in body fat and an increase in lean muscle. I am just looking to get the same results.

    Can anyone tell me what was in it and/or give me an idea of how to achieve my desired results?

    I am 42yrs old, 6'2" and currently about 165. Not sure of body fat but it's more than I would like.

    I am looking to lean out some and getting to 175 or 180

    I currently work out 6 days a week and have been back at it for a month now.

    Looking forward to your replies!

  2. #2
    jbaggs90 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2014
    OK after reading several posts I see that steroids are not the answer for what I am looking to do.

    I am having blood work done tomorrow and asked for my test to be checked.

    This may be what is keeping me from leaning out as well as being able to put on some lean muscle. Being 42, I'm sure it could be low.

    Just to get ahead of things. if it is low but not enough for a prescription, what would be recommended to boost it up?

  3. #3
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    upper midwest
    Looking at your weight and height I would suggest talking to the guys in the nutrition section and getting your diet in check. I cant believe you have much body fat at 165lbs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    You're doing exactly the right thing by getting your blood work done. At 42, there's a good chance you have low T. The classic signs of low T like low muscle density, belly fat, lack of energy, etc. can be treated with TRT. If your T's good, you could do a Test cycle of 500mg/wk. Wait for your results and see where you're at before you start anything.

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