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  1. #1
    LozTajMahaj's Avatar
    LozTajMahaj is offline Banned
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    May 2003

    Test Cypionate Dosage

    I am doing my second cycle and I was wondering if this is a high enough dosage of Cyp.
    12 week cycle (including 4 week post cycle therapy )
    Weeks 1 thru 4 and 7-8
    300mg Deca /wk
    200mg Cyp./wk
    50mg Winny/day (oral)
    Weeks 5&6
    600mg Deca/week
    400mg Cyp./week
    50mg Winny/day (oral)
    Also weeks 4-8
    Weeks 5-12
    Clen (for fat burning and anti-catabolic effects post cycle)
    Nolvadex during weeks of higher dosage
    HCG weeks 9 and 10
    Clomid weeks 11 and 12
    I put a lot of research in to this cycle to make quality lasting gains. However my only insecurity is the Cyp dosage. My first cycle was only Sus and Dbol so I was thinking that my body will respond to the Cyp. at 200mg. Thanks for any help. Happy growing.

  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    you have the old school pyramid cycle with higher doses in has come to most of the people involved in gear that this method is less effective than a constant dose

    you would do better to front load (saturate receptors) than go to a constant dose
    test cyp 600mg weeks 1 and 2
    deca 600mgs weeks 1 and 2
    400mg test weeks 3-10
    400mg deca weeks 3-10
    weeks 8-12 winny
    wait 2-3 weeks after last deca shot to start clomid so week 12 start clomid day after last winny
    you can do hcg with clomid or weeks 10-12(my opinion dont know as much about hcg).
    clen i would do after cycle
    and nolvs if signs of sides but they will not help if sides from deca

  3. #3
    chevy44's Avatar
    chevy44 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    when running test w/ deca its best to run the test at the same or a lil higher than the deca dosage, to keep ur dick running! just a lil f.y.i

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