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  1. #1
    Williamandike is offline New Member
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    Help me on my first cycle PLEASE

    Hello everybody williamandike here at 43 years old.
    I am wanting to do my first cycle and I have a few questions
    Any replies, opinions, and advice will be followed and greatly appreciated
    So I just went online and ordered Deca Nandrolone 250mg/ml and
    Mastabol 100mg/ml, then found out it may not be good to use these two products together
    I obviously didn't do some research before I ordered my first cycle
    I also have Testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml
    Then read on the internet it is not a good idea to combine the deca with the mastabol
    Im 216 lbs and have a small beer gut, I would like to bulk up for my first cycle
    Would someone please let me know what a good steriod combination would be to achieve this?
    And more important do I need an Anti-Estrogen? AND does anyone have a good recommendation for an anti-estrogen?
    I would also appreciate any info on dosing so I can set a schedual and stick to it
    LAST two questions
    Does anyone else suffer from acne?
    AND how do you professional bodybuilders keep yourselves so silky smooth with no body hair???
    I look forward to your help and support

  2. #2
    Justin1988's Avatar
    Justin1988 is offline New Member
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    wasted your money more research on steroids and if its for you, research diet and follow it religiously for a good 3months too make shure you can handle it and not **** up..
    heres a link too beginners first cycle

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    im on this cycle right now feelling great about 6weeks in, feeln like a beast. very oily skin minor acne....

  3. #3
    Justin1988's Avatar
    Justin1988 is offline New Member
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    o and i dont know about your experience with should diet and get lean while hitting the gym religiously for a solid year before pumping juice man...just my 2cents

  4. #4
    bulldoghorn is offline Junior Member
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    if you have already made the decision, and are bound and determined to cycle gear, stay with the basics. Test E first cycle. That way you can learn what your body can handle. There is a ton of info already posted on this forum to guide you with exactly what you need for your first cycle. You are 43 years old, so you should have bloodwork to see where your levels are. Pre cycle bloodwork, mid cycle bloodwork, and Post cycle.

    I will add that steroids will not give you the physical growth you may be looking for, 80% or more of that growth comes from diet and workout routine. You may not even need steroids if your testosterone levels are at levels that would promote what I call easy growth/mass.

  5. #5
    Williamandike is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your answers
    Sadly my body no longer produces test, so I already have to administer at least 1.4 mls every ten days via injection
    I know this wont come without dedication, caution, diet and working out
    Im not looking for a magic pill

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Since your on trt already just boost (double) your test levels the first time around. Try that the first time to see how your body reacts(if you need to control estrogen or not) , then next time try adding a second compound.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Since your on trt already just boost (double) your test levels the first time around. Try that the first time to see how your body reacts(if you need to control estrogen or not) , then next time try adding a second compound.
    this seems like a good idea.

    just keep in mind with your esther, probably either C or E, it can take awhile before you notice anything, sometimes up to a month.

    So just thinking out loud here

    1.2ml is probably 240mg (if on C here in the USA) per ten days or 150mg/week. Doubling would take you to 300mg/week. You could almost triple it taking you into the neighborhood of a standard cycle (500mg/week), but would need to keep an eye on excess RBC production, and related.

    But before you go there, just make sure you've toughened up enough to be able to handle the stresses of additional exertion brought on by additional strength. I'm thinking of tendons and ligaments, which toughen up slowly, up to a few years in some cases.

    I'm assuming your gear is legit, so just hang on to it for now. It's way too soon for you to be thinking of a traditional cycle at this point.

    Good luck!

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