This labmax craze is getting out of hand. Every post when someone questions if there gear is real someone pops up telling the person to labmax it. If that person had a labmax why would he even question if its real or not, the labmax would give him the answer. What happend to the ol skool way of injecting and popping pills and using common sense to tell if the gear you're taking is good. Cycle i'm on now was suppose to be dbol , test, eq and tren . Turns out my guy gave me garbage dbol and I didn't have to labmax it to figure it out becuase I have taking real dbol and know what it feels like. I called him out on it and he replaced it for free with some more bogus BD pink dbols. At that point I decided I would never buy orals from this guy again.

Simple, inject or ingest and hope for the best!