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Thread: Is test enough?

  1. #1
    apexmale is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    Is test enough?

    Hi Guys
    My first cycle of 500mg test per week for 10 weeks was 6 weeks ago. I'm on pct tablets and tomoxafen.
    Can I restart in another 6 weeks and should I take more test or add something to it. Is Clomid better than tomoxafen.
    Lots to learn
    I'm 54 years old with some joint pain
    Appreciate info from experienced guys
    Thank again

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by apexmale View Post
    Hi Guys
    My first cycle of 500mg test per week for 10 weeks was 6 weeks ago. I'm on pct tablets and tomoxafen.
    Can I restart in another 6 weeks and should I take more test or add something to it. Is Clomid better than tomoxafen.
    Lots to learn
    I'm 54 years old with some joint pain
    Appreciate info from experienced guys
    Thank again
    Below will answer your questions and guide future cycles!!

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    Time off = time on + 2 weeks clearance time + pct

  3. #3
    Haydenz's Avatar
    Haydenz is offline Associate Member
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    pretty much what the guy above me said, let your body reset and adjust, then your gtg

  4. #4
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Good article they linked above.

    -Blood work will be your most definitive answer for whether you're ready to go back on cycle, but the common rule of thumb is time on+PCT=time off

    -Your gains from the test only cycle and your overall goals (also knowledge level) dictate whether or not you should add in another compound for the next cycle. If test only @500mg worked for you, run it again

    -There are several scholarly debates out there on Nolva vs Clomid, I can't link you to them unfortunately but you can do a search. Without knowing your specific details I'd say run both together until you feel experienced enough to tweak your doses and see If running one alone benefits you more

  5. #5
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    For joints adding a small dose of deca around 200mg will aid a great deal with lubricating your joints
    bifda likes this.

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