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Thread: Vial sterility

  1. #1
    belva's Avatar
    belva is offline Member
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    Vial sterility

    Ran out of test P, a friend of mine gave me one of his vials, it has few ml left inside. Can i safely use it or do you think there might be chance a of std like Hiv ? I mean i doubt my friend shot blood in the vial as i doubt He has Any std. Im just concern about the possibility of contracting any disease by excange vials . Not talking about needles

  2. #2
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    FVCK THAT!!!!! I personally would NEVER use someone else's vial. If it's not brand new and unopened I'm not touching it. I wouldn't so much worry about HIV or anything like that but if he wasn't careful it's fairly easy to contaminate a vial. The risk is not worth the reward. The question I have is why the hell would you cycle without everything that you needed in hand?

  3. #3
    belva's Avatar
    belva is offline Member
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    I did have everything on hand but just pulled out too much each time. I'm missing last shot.

  4. #4
    djs2224's Avatar
    djs2224 is offline Junior Member
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    For me would have to really know the person to accept a used vile not someone I just see in the gym.

  5. #5
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wouldn't.
    do you know everyone he banged and everyone they banged before him.
    You could always ask him to get tested for std's but I don't think that will go over well.
    one shot not going to make huge difference but now you know for future extra extra extra

  6. #6
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    I did have everything on hand but just pulled out too much each time. I'm missing last shot.
    Just skip it and start PCT at the proper time since your last injection. Next time always order extra. You should ALWAYS have an extra vial or 10 of every compound you're running.

    Don't touch your friends gear.

  7. #7
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Don't use it. As pp ^^ said just finnish and pct.

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Meh. if the guy isn't an idiot and didn't draw with a used injection needle, there should be no issue.
    BTW, HIV wouldn't survive, and IDK about Hep C.

  9. #9
    belva's Avatar
    belva is offline Member
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    Well I just shot tren a and only 1/4if test p I had. Didn't touch my friend vial. Will start pct in 3days from now as planned. Thank u guys

  10. #10
    against_grain is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Meh. if the guy isn't an idiot and didn't draw with a used injection needle, there should be no issue.
    BTW, HIV wouldn't survive, and IDK about Hep C.
    Hep C has a much longer survival out of the body, in a wet environment even longer.

    Basically for the OP, the "proper" way to draw up is with a sterile injection needle. Most users know this, but say for example one day he ran out of large gauge for drawing up, and decided to just to use a Dirty injection needle.

    OP there is a VERY REAL risk of cross contamination, what you are talking about is essentially being an injection drug user who shares his "works" (injection supplies).

    IV narco users have proper techniques as well and different works like sterile cups, filters, most of them in the know do not share works either. (this includes vials, cups, filters-anything for injecting is "works" and not to be shared in the safe narco world)

  11. #11
    against_grain is offline Junior Member
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    Would you use your buddies dirty heroine needle? Most would say Heeelllls No.

    You are asking essentially the same question here.

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