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  1. #1
    Neversatisfied_bk is offline New Member
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    Nov 2014

    Need advice ASAP please

    New to the forum thing so I'll give my rundown. Have a bit of a dilemma here. Over the summer I was on a cycle consisting of sust 250, tren ace and var. ran for 16 weeks.( yes I know too long but stupid me kept going) took letro during cycle that crushed gyno that was forming. All was well and good. Decided not to pct and rather cruise on test cyp at 200mg wk for ten weeks until next cycle which was gonna be test, deca and anadrol come the winter months. Well my connection fell off the face of the earth and my last test shot was alittle over 2 weeks ago. Starting to feel like I'm crashing. Real tired and no energy. Not to mention very irritable. Now here's the thing. I'm able to get my hands on 2 bottles of sust 400. Need advice on what to do and if the sust could help. Was thinking of taking 1/2cc eod. Any input would be greatly appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    Cody95's Avatar
    Cody95 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversatisfied_bk View Post
    New to the forum thing so I'll give my rundown. Have a bit of a dilemma here. Over the summer I was on a cycle consisting of sust 250, tren ace and var. ran for 16 weeks.( yes I know too long but stupid me kept going) took letro during cycle that crushed gyno that was forming. All was well and good. Decided not to pct and rather cruise on test cyp at 200mg wk for ten weeks until next cycle which was gonna be test, deca and anadrol come the winter months. Well my connection fell off the face of the earth and my last test shot was alittle over 2 weeks ago. Starting to feel like I'm crashing. Real tired and no energy. Not to mention very irritable. Now here's the thing. I'm able to get my hands on 2 bottles of sust 400. Need advice on what to do and if the sust could help. Was thinking of taking 1/2cc eod. Any input would be greatly appreciated thanks
    You need to start pct before you crash big time.

  3. #3
    Neversatisfied_bk is offline New Member
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95
    You need to start pct before you crash big time.
    So jumping on the sust as a bridge until next cycle wouldn't be good enough?

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You headed straight for trt for rest of your life without looking back.
    when you go pass go you can collect $200

  5. #5
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    Forget everything else!! Start PCT ASAP!! Good Luck

  6. #6
    Neversatisfied_bk is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input guys. Just gonna save the sust for next time. Next mission: hunt down some nolva or clomid. How long should I wait until next cycle?

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversatisfied_bk View Post
    So jumping on the sust as a bridge until next cycle wouldn't be good enough?
    Good enough for what? When on AAS of any type or any amount, it signals your body to stop producing its own testosterone . You are risking shutting yourself down for good and having to go on TRT for life. You need to stop immediately. I'm sure some more advanced members here who have run extremely long cycles can chime in to advise you on a proper pct protocol, or you could use the search function. Get some clomid and nolvadex immediately if you don't already have it. Going on like you are is going to end in disaster. Hopefully it's not too late to fix.

  8. #8
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversatisfied_bk View Post
    Thanks for the input guys. Just gonna save the sust for next time. Next mission: hunt down some nolva or clomid. How long should I wait until next cycle?
    When your blood work is back to normal. My guess is it's not going to be anytime soon. Best wishes.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Neversatisfied_bk
    New to the forum thing so I'll give my rundown. Have a bit of a dilemma here. Over the summer I was on a cycle consisting of sust 250, tren ace and var. ran for 16 weeks.( yes I know too long but stupid me kept going) took letro during cycle that crushed gyno that was forming. All was well and good. Decided not to pct and rather cruise on test cyp at 200mg wk for ten weeks until next cycle which was gonna be test, deca and anadrol come the winter months. Well my connection fell off the face of the earth and my last test shot was alittle over 2 weeks ago. Starting to feel like I'm crashing. Real tired and no energy. Not to mention very irritable. Now here's the thing. I'm able to get my hands on 2 bottles of sust 400. Need advice on what to do and if the sust could help. Was thinking of taking 1/2cc eod. Any input would be greatly appreciated thanks
    You wanted to cruise at 200mg/week so why would you do 700mg/week of sust400?

  10. #10
    Neversatisfied_bk is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog
    You wanted to cruise at 200mg/week so why would you do 700mg/week of sust400?
    Because I was thinking like an asshole and wanted to keep growing (hence the name neversatisfied). But obviously that's the wrong decision. At 34yrs old don't think I'm ready for trt for life. The mental aspect of being off is truly gonna suck though.

  11. #11
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversatisfied_bk View Post
    Because I was thinking like an asshole and wanted to keep growing (hence the name neversatisfied). But obviously that's the wrong decision. At 34yrs old don't think I'm ready for trt for life. The mental aspect of being off is truly gonna suck though.
    We all go through it. If there were no negative repercussions from being on all the time, the word 'cycle' would not be in our vocabulary.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you're going to cruise/blast, it could be a road to TRT. You're young you should run cycles and recover with PCT.

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