29 years old
215 lbs
4-5 years exp in the gym
10-12% bf
1cycle done so far
(TNT.dbol .anavar 12 week cycle 1000mg e3d and 50mg ed dbol and var were not ran at the same time. Half and half.) my next cycle will go.as followed feel free to advice and suggestions.

12 week cycle my PCT is included in the list,

-5 vials of 10ml Test Enanthate
-3 vials of 10ml Deca Dura
-1 bottle of Arimidex
-4 bottles of Dianabol
-10,000 total iu's of hCG
- 60 tab bottle of Nolvadex

1-12 test e 500mg e3d
1-8 deca 250mg e3d
1-6 dbol 100mg ed
1-12 arimidex .5mg ed

15 - hCG 1000ui ed
16-19 Nolvadex 40/40/40/20/20

Thanks . And I'll start by saying im here for advice not to give advice .Still new to this . But looking to turn up the gains. Cheers.