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  1. #1
    dazzle1 is offline New Member
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    May 2014

    PCT Advice - Test E/Tren E - How important is Clomid really?

    I've just finished up my 2nd cycle.

    36 y/o
    12% bf

    Cycle was 6.5 weeks

    300 Test E
    200 Tren E
    Pinned every 3.5 days
    Addex 0.5 eod

    Getting ready for my PCT to start.

    I know it's a bit early but I've made the gains I wanted and am ready to come off.

    I have Nolva and Clomid.

    Last cycle I was 13/14 weeks, when I came off I ran 40/40/20/20 nolva and 100/50/50/50 clomid.

    The clomid really ****ed me up mentally. Couldn't move. Wanted to crawl under a rock. I cut it short on the second week and didn't use it again. Once I quit the clomid I felt better in a day or two.

    Nolva I ran with no problems.

    So given the short cycle and the fact I have one SERM already in nolva, how necessary is the clomid to a full pct really?

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Run it at 75/50/60/50 as well as the nolva. You'll really need it after running tren . Take it at bedtime and see if that helps.

    Sounds too early to come off yes and don't forget you are likely to use some of your gains? It would have been wise to run your test a couple of weeks longer than your tren too.

  3. #3
    dazzle1 is offline New Member
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    May 2014
    why run test longer?

  4. #4
    chris_columbia's Avatar
    chris_columbia is offline Associate Member
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    Because enanthate is a long ester and it takes about 3-4 weeks to have fully saturated your blood with optimal test levels that put you in your muslce building PRIME so running it for 6.5 weeks basically means you only had about 3 - 4 weeks of training while "on" to build muscle vs 6-8 weeks, the Test e really starts to kick in around weeks 6-8 and that's when you start seeing the most significant gains IMO and alot of others, 6.5 weeks of test E is a joke for a cycle quite honesty and I wouldn't be surprised if you lost most if not all of your gains post cycle.

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