Hey all,
After reading Austinites "Estrogen, Prolactin, Progesterone, management..." it iterated that hCG can raise E levels(does it have to be at higher doses)... Correct me if I'm wrong??

During my last cycle(Prop @ 525mg wkly/Primo @ 700 wkly for 16 wks/wks 8-16 anavar @ 60mg ed)... Stane at 25mg ed(12.5mg am/12.5mg pm)! On cycle I felt great... Though a lil off balance, dizzy, no sleep(insomnia)... No puffy nips or Gyno related symptoms! I always used BW and didn't this time(figuring I ran this cycle multiple times) and made great gains last cycle but had a hard time keeping them!

The more I read I think my AI dose was too high(b/c It felt like I crashed my E2, & also felt like I had nothing to give energy wise post cycle) and should I have ran my hCG at 250iu 2x wkly only, huh? Def won't try no BW again!!!

Thanks for any feedback!