You now have the testosterone of an 80 year old

You didnt mention the units of the testosteron bw, but im guessing its ng/dL.

On the 14th your number were already low, unless you have low test problem your test value should be 600-700.

You need to start pct as soon as possible, clomid +nolva, 75-50-50-25+40-20-20-20. There areno replacements as effective and they could be as hard to get.

Clomid in many countries has the commercial name of dufine, and is easily prescribed for women. My gf buys mine from her pharmacy no questions asked. Of course I dont know how it is in other countries.
Nolvadex is the commercial name of tamoxifen , in my case its harder to get it from pharmacy so i get mine from my juice source.