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  1. #1
    kevs_hcm is offline New Member
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    Bulk&Cut in same cycle or Bulk (cycle) and Cut (off-cycle). IN VIETNAM -> What gear?

    Hello guys.

    Thanks for reading me, first of all.

    I'm very new to gear and really don't know how to plan it/do it, but would like to start the cycle as soon as possible as I've just landed on Vietnam and want to be off cycle before I return back to Europe (roughly 4 months).

    I am right now in the middle of a theoretical dirty bulk (dirty in that I've been living in Thailand/Vietnam and I don't have strict control over the diet as I eat out every time) and already have noticeable fat, but haven't gained much muscle - years in the gym, sometimes with very strict regimes, and I don't seem to naturally gain much. I am thinking about bulking for some more time (months) while on a cycle and then cut (off cycle) or do a cycle half bulk-half cut; do you think any of those options are wise?

    It seems in vietnam they sell Sustanon , Deca , Test Cyp, Andriol testocaps, though I am concerned with PCT gear. I would like to keep the cycle as simple as possible, so what do you think I should do? What would be a viable regime?

    I actualy wouldn't mind keeping it low, more as an extra "help" than an all-out cycle, maybe taking a lower than usual amount of steroids (maybe oral) if that gets rid of (most of) the side effects, because the issue is I really believe naturally have quite low T. Do you think this would be doable? How could I do it?

    Thanks for reading me!

    PD: I'm doing StrongLifts 5x5 btw.
    Last edited by kevs_hcm; 02-04-2015 at 09:55 AM.

  2. #2
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    We can’t tell you, take this and this, you have to inform yourself by yourself.
    You will know when you’re ready, when you know exactly what to take for your purpose.
    Now, about bulking and cutting, yes, that’s the problem for the new. I always did cutting cycles, sometimes merged bulking with cutting.
    This year will be my first bulking cycle.
    Depends on your genetics, depends on your goals.
    If you tend to be lean, you can bulk, and still look cut.
    If you tend to be fat, you might better cut, if its ment for summer.
    A cycle is mostly 8-10 weeks, so you won’t have the time to do both things.

  3. #3
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Plan either a bulk or a cut....not both. Tes only for your first cycle and focus on cleaning up your diet and getting to at least 15% bf before starting a cycle.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I recommend your first cycle be a bulk. I also recommend it be test only.
    Do a natural cut, come off of your cut and start your bulk cycle right off your natural cut. This will prime your body for optimal growth.

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  6. #6
    kevs_hcm is offline New Member
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    Feb 2015
    Thanks for the answers, guys! So what Igot out of there is not to do a bulk cycle and then a natural cut, but to finish this natural bulk, then natural cut, then bulk cycle. Is that what you are all recommending?

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I recommend your first cycle be a bulk. I also recommend it be test only.
    Do a natural cut, come off of your cut and start your bulk cycle right off your natural cut. This will prime your body for optimal growth.
    jimmyinkedup, I am unclear as if you're recommending what I said before or bulk cycle, natural cut, bulk cycle.

    Also, is taking T in lower quantities (more as TRT than a cycle) something doable longer time? Because, as I said I believe I naturally have quite low T. I'm thinking about maybe doing that for this "natural" bulk and the after-cut; then do a bulk cycle. Any opinions on this?

    Thans guys!
    Last edited by kevs_hcm; 02-04-2015 at 09:32 PM.

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