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Thread: electricmanrg

  1. #1
    electricmanrg is offline New Member
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    Mar 2015


    I just started my very first cycle 48 hours ago.The cycle consists of Oxymeth 50 at three tablets daily and Trenbolone Enanthate 200 at one 50 ml injection per week.The plan is both for four weeks.I started both right away.I had not planned any PCT during the cycle. I am concerned about having erection problems without the PCT.I just turned 44 the day before I started this cycle.I have experienced not being able to ejaculate or maintaining a good erection at times of high tension in the relationship or just being physically tired.But usually when I get my rest and we are getting along I have no problem in that area. I just started back lifting about two years ago. I had two staff infections that stopped me dead in my tracks each time after 3 months back into lifting. Out of the 2 years something seems to take me out after 3 or 4 months, staff infections,long working hours and etc. I just started back lifting about a month ago. This time I am sticking with it,regardless of anything,roids and all. Do I need the PCT right away or at the end of my cycle?

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    This is crazy. You barely train and have jumped on 2 of the worst compounds for a beginner. 150mg anadrol per day? 50mg tren per WEEK? No testosterone ? No on cycle ancillaries? No PCt plan and only a 4 weeks cycle? You're going to be worried by more than than a little ED during PCT.

    This sounds like something an 18 year old would do not a grown man. No offence but you need to STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING IMMEDIATELY. Get some prolonged training under your belt (1 year consistently at least) and a consistent diet and then, and only then, should you be considering any time of PED's.

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ID:	155821

    Tell me how much do you weigh and your bodyfat %?
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  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Man you need to stop that asap. Your going to throw you liptids all over the place and have some serious bp issues from all that drol. 50mgs is the normal dosage of drol.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  4. #4
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    This is crazy. You barely train and have jumped on 2 of the worst compounds for a beginner. 150mg anadrol per day? 50mg tren per WEEK? No testosterone ? No on cycle ancillaries? No PCt plan and only a 4 weeks cycle? You're going to be worried by more than than a little ED during PCT.

    This sounds like something an 18 year old would do not a grown man. No offence but you need to STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING IMMEDIATELY. Get some prolonged training under your belt (1 year consistently at least) and a consistent diet and then, and only then, should you be considering any time of PED's.

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ID:	155821

    Tell me how much do you weigh and your bodyfat %?
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Man you need to stop that asap. Your going to throw you liptids all over the place and have some serious bp issues from all that drol. 50mgs is the normal dosage of drol.
    OP, listen to both of these guys.... they're right. Please stop

  5. #5
    electricmanrg is offline New Member
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    I am not offended at all by your honesty and I do appreciate it. I am misinformed and took the advice of someone that was the same evidently. I am 5ft 9 and weigh 210.I am not cut up neither fat. Most people don't think I weigh what I do but I am solid.When I lifted before I excelled quickly. I workout very hard and try to eat more healthy at least. A banana and yogurt early morning, then a biscuit mid morning,lunch,protein bar in afternoon and dinner after workouts on workout days. I take the Wheybolic protein shake 30 min after workout,protein shake before. I eat tuna,chicken or boiled eggs as much as possible.I am learning about the proper diet and working on it. I also take six Uni-liver tablets each day. Would it be crazy to try this cycle at after all at one Anadrol tablet a day and the Trebolone shot once a week? If not what would be the proper dosage of each and for how long and also how about the PCT? I also take a GNC mulch-vitamin pack daily.I would really appreciate good information and solid advise. Thanks!

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mate, quit your cycle. Seriously. It can't work. Stop it IMMEDIATELY. Neither compound is suitable for a first cycle and neither is your nutrition plan.

    your diet sounds like it is sorely lacking, a banana and yoghurt for breakfast and a biscuit mid morning?

    Best advice is

    Stop your cycle immediately
    Visit our diet section and get your diet overhauled in accordance with whatever your goals are (you've not even mentioned them)

    You can estimate your bodyfat from this picture that I already posted.

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ID:	155835

  7. #7
    electricmanrg is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Mate, quit your cycle. Seriously. It can't work. Stop it IMMEDIATELY. Neither compound is suitable for a first cycle and neither is your nutrition plan.

    your diet sounds like it is sorely lacking, a banana and yoghurt for breakfast and a biscuit mid morning?

    Best advice is

    Stop your cycle immediately
    Visit our diet section and get your diet overhauled in accordance with whatever your goals are (you've not even mentioned them)

    You can estimate your bodyfat from this picture that I already posted.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	89 
Size:	111.7 KB 
ID:	155835
    Looks like I am at 25 percent body fat.My goal was to put on size and gain strength. I won a locally bench press contest exactly twenty years ago.I weighed in at one hundred and sixty five pounds and benched pressed three hundred pounds at the time.I want to get huge and strong but not necessarily a bodybuilder. I have an interest in power lifting.I want to go back twenty years later and win my weight class again.That is a definite goal. I will stop the cycle pronto and i really appreciate your advice.I am slightly embarrassed about my ignorance so any solid information,tips or advice is welcomed.Any information at all you have to help me reach my goal would be very appreciated. Thanks again!

  8. #8
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Congrats on the bench a while back... Come visit the diet and nutrition section... Those guys will get you dialed in quick and must say it's very motivational as well... In the "WHAT ARE YOU EATING RIGHT NOW" THREAD members(including me) post every meal we eat and anything we use to season etc... Also training wise there's a section as well!

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Just to give my .02, I agree with all the above. I'm SO glad I found this site before I started and I was 45. I still didnt do things exactly as I should have but I'm glad I didnt make some of the mistakes I keep reading about.

    I was 5' 8" 210 lbs and wanted to cycle. I waited a good year (been training off and on for years but mostly off the last few) and got down to 170 lbs first. It's not as hard as you may thing, just dont expect it to happen over night. Dont make BIG changes to your diet right away. Make small serious changes. Cut out the beer, no chips, no cookies, pastries. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Snack on things that are healthy like mixed nuts and you will eliminate cravings.

    Best of luck.

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