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  1. #1
    ethan1078 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Tren Cycle 4th week, need advice

    So im in my 4th week of my tren ace & test e cycle,

    I've decided to extend my cycle to 10 weeks, but only thing my dealer has left is tren e i know its just the esters that are different and its a slower release and takes longer to leave the system where as acetate is out within 3.5 days roughly

    should i start using the tren e soon as possible as it can take longer to kick in and save the remained of the acetate for toward the end of my cycle which will be my 2 week calorie deficit to cut

    will switching them around have bad results is what im asking and is it safe and okay to do it?

    Also if i do the tren e it means less injections was just going to do 2 shots per week 400mg/week

    ALSO noticing a little bit of depression is this completely normal for tren users? what are you experiences, thanks for feedback guys

  2. #2
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    i'm interested in this topic, but don't have specific tren experience. the goal would be to keep your tren plasma level constant during the transition. i would think you could come up with a protocol that gets pretty darn close to this goal by ratioing the half lives of the two molecules.

    and, yes, tren e is fewer shots/w than tran a (i'm starting an eod protocol for tran a next week).

    i'm going to subscribe to see what the vets say.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mar 2006
    Man, you're 18 why are you cycling at all let alone tren ?

    I'd advise you to stop it all now and run a full and proper PCT.

    It would be pointless adding tren e for only 4 weeks anyway.

    When you do decide to cycle again (hopefully in many years) you should plan it a lot better.

  4. #4
    miller1085's Avatar
    miller1085 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yeah with a good diet you can keep all your gains. Oh to be 18 again

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