hi guys, im 5'9" 198 lbs and ive built myself up from 130 lbs. gains are slowing down quite a bit. haven't gained any strength or muscle in about a year (closer to 9 months, I tend to exaggerate) thinking about dbol or test or both, let me know what you think, I have access to clomid,nolva,aromasin etc, any aas, and money is not a problem, so if I should run a strict cycle I can get everything I need.let me know what you think.

cant figure out how to get the pic to upload so here is a link
h ttp://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2015/04/13/67231622/progresspic/FDLTpONBBZxMRrBJxILYEyOBebYYkBGgaWca-610xh.jpg