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  1. #1
    rampage23 is offline Junior Member
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    the barons

    It's bulking time again!!!

    Ok guys, I'm about to start my 2nd bulking cycle ever and I'm going to run:

    QV deca 400mg/wk
    QV Enanthate 400mg/wk
    Russian Dbol 40mg/ed

    Of coarse I'm shooting at 5000 calories a day and mainly clean foods. My cycle will last 12 weeks. What kind of gains should I expect?? Anyone with cycle experience please leave feedback.

  2. #2
    Diesel's Avatar
    Diesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mental Institution
    Doseage looks fine but for how long are you planning on running them?

    Stats would help as well.


  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Apr 2002
    Bro at 18, I wouldn't do it. I know you've done one, but before you do anything you need to go to the Dr, to see if your growth plates are still open. then go natural for 5 years, other wise you have a high chance of having hormonal problems.

    Bro your body is growing and developing right now, your hormones are at the highest they'll ever be. Take advantage of them, because you'll be shutting them down with a cycle while they're still developing. With a high chance of never recovering them to where they were. Which could big problems in the future. I know at 18, being 30 or 40 seem like a long way off, but believe me they'll be here sooner then you think.

    Think of your future, you have the rest of your life to juice. Build a solid base first, then juice. Bro please don't say you hit a plateau, because if you think that you need to rethink your training, diet and recovery.

    Here's something you may need to rethink also. steroid =muscle, that's a lie, steroids help you gain muscle, but they don't give you muscle. It take a knowledge of training, diet and recovery, then juice will help you gain some muscle.


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