Hi guys,

i've just started my first cycle of test e, running 750mg a week and looking at running this 12 weeks.

My stats are:

25 years. 189 pounds/86KG and i'm 5'10/ 177CM + 16% BF.

Looking at running 750mg of only test E for 12 weeks, 2 shots a week.
3500-4000 calories a day. ( hoping this will be a good amount for gains, with not a lot of fat gains)
and i've have a product called Genox20 Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg per pill X 60 pills )

so will run Tamoxifen at 40/20/20/20 - and pray that will suffice :|

Any help?

i've reposted this from yesterday, i was in the introduction thread.
People have mentioned that HCG and Clomid are things i need to have on hand. i also don't have an AI. :|

so, i'm a little concerned. obviously i've worked out now that i've jumped in too early.
Not really sure what to do? the guy i got my juice from can't get me any clomid, and i pretty much started this cycle off his advise. Whoops.

I was thinking of using erase pro with my Test E, as a way to reduce E's. - but is having an AI absolutely essential? or only as a back up if i see symptoms of Gyno?

anyway, i'm not sure what i've done, all advise would be greatly appreciated. thanks!