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Thread: tren question

  1. #1
    tice1212's Avatar
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    tren question

    I have heard that its not good to do more then one tren cycle a year. What's the reasoning behind that? Thanks boy

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    I don't run tren (female) but Here's some info.

  3. #3
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Tren is really as hard as everyone says it is. Running only one cycle a year gives your body the time to really recover. For me it's hard on my liver values, and extremely rough after the run.

  4. #4
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    I havent really heard that before but youll want to NOT run tren back to back. Use another compound in between so your body gets a break and so it doesnt get use to it. Ive only used it once and the sides werent worth the gains.

    Maybe next when i use it, itll be different. We'll see..

  5. #5
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1 View Post
    I havent really heard that before but youll want to NOT run tren back to back. Use another compound in between so your body gets a break and so it doesnt get use to it. Ive only used it once and the sides werent worth the gains.

    Maybe next when i use it, itll be different. We'll see..
    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    Tren is really as hard as everyone says it is. Running only one cycle a year gives your body the time to really recover. For me it's hard on my liver values, and extremely rough after the run.
    Interesting I'm going to have to keep researching it. I really want to enjoy a ride of tren. I was on show prep on it and it was horrible with 25 carbs a day. But once show was over I had food in me and I was still running it for only a week I felt amazing on it. That was a couple of weeks back. Was planning on running it again but I remember reading its not a good idea. Thanks for the replies

  6. #6
    DAAS's Avatar
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    I knew someone who told me their friend runs tren year round. I guess you have to factor in dosage. I just ordered my first tren ace powder and I plan on only running it test-prop/winny/tren-ace, 50mg/50mg/20mg respectively So not even a 100mg a week of tren. I've always been more of a less is more user. I use minimal amounts because its unnecessary to run more and get sides.

    If you can get gains without steroids then why when you start them you should start at 500mg test? why not 250mg a week. Thats just me though, less is more. As far as running tren year round I think that is probably dumb, but the guy supposedly does it just fine.

  7. #7
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    tren at least for me, seems to give amazing results at the beginning, and fade along cycle. even sides. to maintain results and sides, I usually start at 400 and end up at 800 in 10-12 weeks. that could be a reason why I wouldn't run more than one cycle x year. Don't want to end up like bostin loyd

  8. #8
    tectime's Avatar
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    For me tren is great from start to finish. The blast part is fantastic as long as I don't hurt myself hahaha it's the after effects that suck to me. You go from ****ing bullet proof to just bullet resistant! With ****ed up bloods for 6 months. To me that's the worst. I live a lifestyle that thank God keeps me very healthy. So even a little out to me is ****ed up.

  9. #9
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Like what was mentioned, dose dependent sort of thing. I would try to limit use if you can. I found with a really low dose I made good progress, and upping the dose and even duration meant diminishing returns. Something as short as 4 weeks at a low dose can have a dramatic effect, with tren A.

    I haven't ran tren for a long time, but plan to implement it at the tail end of my cut just to enhance it, only after I have pretty much lost all the body fat I intend to lose, and step it up a notch for a few weeks before going to maintenance. I probably won't run tren again for a long time after that, but wouldn't be opposed to implementing it again at the end of the year since low dose and duration, but that of course depends on my health overall.

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