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Thread: AI + Finasteride concerns

  1. #1
    smitty216 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2015

    AI + Finasteride concerns

    I'm gunna run Test C, 400 mg's a week, Im 22, 6'1 185 lbs.

    My question is about Finasteride, as Im prone to MPB, I hear its a little harsh tho, and the sides can get a little nasty. I just bought some from DrugMart and It comes with about 12 weeks worth, I figured thats pretty much as long as my cycle will be.

    Should I take the Fin. Everyday while on cycle? or is 1 every other day sufficient? Is it true this stuff will have a negative effect on potential gains made from the Testosterone Cycle?

    Secondly, I have gathered that you should only take AI's when necessary. What about those OTC AI's like Acacetin 99, cool to just take something like that throught the cycle like a vitamin? or should I only take that OTC AI during PCT, one a day until the bottles gone. Or are these AI's for "as needed use" only?

    Pretty much just asking, How do you suggest I take the Fin, to minimize Sides, And how much is just enough AI, and when to take it?

  2. #2
    bigdil511 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2015
    First off at your age you shouldn't run any cycles because of the permanent damage you can cause to your body.

    Secondly you are 6'1' 185? My guess is your skinny and need to learn how to eat and train. In high school I was 6' 185 and skinny as hell but with big legs. There is an excellent nutrition and training section of this forum.

    Lastly you really don't understand how any of this works, work out hard eat hard and study and maybe at 25 you'll be ready to cycle just imo.
    PrettyPlease? and smitty216 like this.

  3. #3
    smitty216 is offline New Member
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    This is no disrespect,

    I agree I think its a bit risky, but thats inherent.

    in highschool the oldest you couldve been is 19 i'm guessing. I think I have a little more knowledge on how to go about a Test C cycle safely, then my initial post may suggest. Once again no disrespect at all, I just want to make it clear I think my body has surpassed what it was when I was in highschool, almost 5 years ago now.

    Secondly I took Somatropin in HS for 4 months, I played baseball and sure enough got a scholarship to play Div. 1 out of it. I found that offseason training with the Supplementation does wonders for me during the season.. I wanted to run a 12 week cycle leading into this upcoming Tryout Ill be doing for a Independent league team as I am on the verge of graduating College now. My arm and body are just really ran down and I need a boost quite frankly. I appreciate your input. I've always had a slight build. Very fast metabolism. Im not just a string bean looking for a shortcut here, My training is more veristile than just Dumbbell curls and the stair mill.

    Once again your absolutely right, the right thing would be not to "cheat". But i also dont want you to think im going in with no plan, nor the proper supplies on hand. not even stacking with Deca here. I just have read alot of places and asked friends about AI's and it seems to be an optional thing almost, like no where have I found anyone thats said yes, you need that/ want to take that, ontop of your Nolva, definitively.

  4. #4
    Frenchy93 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdil511 View Post
    Secondly you are 6'1' 185? My guess is your skinny and need to learn how to eat and train.

    My profile picture is at the age of 22 before my first cycle. 6'1 165 in that picture. I'd hardly call 185 skinny. Low body fat, yes.

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