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Thread: I have questions!!!! Experienced folks, help!!

  1. #1
    cbass is offline New Member
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    Jul 2015

    I have questions!!!! Experienced folks, help!!

    Okay, here is my situation, I have been on Subutex for about 2 years.. before that it was other things like loratab. I never got out of control with my problem. Never stole anything from anyone to get my fix, but its exactly what I said.. A problem. I have maintained it somewhat well. I take low doses, but the consistent use means that when I try to stop I have withdrawals. I am ready to quit! I had the bright idea to use Test because it helps the body recover. Well, I gave it a go, I have pharmacy grade test cyp 300. I did 2 injections of .5ml 3 weeks a part. It has been 3 weeks since my last shot. Well, needless to say, I didn't continue the cycle as I should have because I wasn't truly ready to quit the sub. Also, I had concerns about pct. Anyways, the first shot did help tremendously in my withdrawals, I just wasn't really ready. Just a bit of background, I am athletic, and I have been in the gym regularly the past 3 years. I did test once when I was 18 ( im 24 now) and that go around I did Test 250, 1 ml for 6 weeks, and no pct.. I didn't know anything about what I was doing, and now that I am wiser and older, I want to be sure I am doing this right. So I have a couple of questions if anyone would please answer them.

    1. I don't care to do a whole cycle.. I want to know how much and how long can I do them without having to do pct?

    2. If I should do the pct, what pct regimine would be necessary for a 6-8 week cycle of test cyp 300 at .5ml injections weekly.

    3. If I did decide to do a full cycle, what pct should I do? Are you able to do pct, heal, and move on without the roids and it not affect my natural levels?

    The first two injections that I did gave me great results for only doing 1ml. I was able to actually climb over a plateau I had been on and go up in strength and so far have kept it! I feel like what I did added to my natural test rather than doing enough to shut down my natural test. Anyways, I really need some guidance, I would really prefer to just do 3 weeks, .5ml, and not have to do pct like I said, but if it is necessary then please someone tell me what pct would be necessary.

    Thank you, I am just a young guy tryin to do better and leave the other stuff behind.

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Swapping one drug for another isn't the answer. Any time you shoot any amount of AAS you will, at least, suppress your own natural test not raise it.

    My suggestion is to get some professional help to quit your current addiction and continue to train and diet well, let that be your new addiction. Count weight, sets, reps, calories, macro's that all might help you keep busy.

  3. #3
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    I've been down your road and a much worse one than that. Test isn't going to help you stop the subs and opiates. The best thing I can give you advice on is to get your priorities straight. Withdrawals aren't easy. As you know subs are meant to help ween people off opiates. You don't have much of a choice when it comes to you quitting other than to just stop cold turkey. The first week is the hardest but it gets easier over time. Focus yourself into staying busy and use your time wisely. Don't allow yourself to sit around and get bored because your more prone to fall back into old ways. Pick your hobby whatever makes you the happiest and focus on becoming the best at your hobby. In a nutshell these are a few things that helped me off opiates.
    Red Bastard likes this.

  4. #4
    cbass is offline New Member
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    I get it, and thank you very much for the advice. In any case, I will most likely do the cycle 6-8 weeks because I already have the gear. What pct would you recommend for 8 weeks on test cyp 300 at .5ml once a week?

  5. #5
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    This isn't my area of expertise. Maybe someone else can chime in.

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbass View Post
    I get it, and thank you very much for the advice. In any case, I will most likely do the cycle 6-8 weeks because I already have the gear. What pct would you recommend for 8 weeks on test cyp 300 at .5ml once a week?
    Gear has an extremely long shelf life. You should store your products somewhere safe for a few years while you get your real problems straightened out. Rehab would be a good idea.

    The cycle that you proposed above is horrible and a complete waste of time. Pleas be an adult and go get some professional help.

  7. #7
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    I too have been down this road. I had a substantial drug and alcohol addiction a few years ago. In the UK I went into a clinical detox (mini rehab) for two weeks and then proceeded to have 6 months of therapy with a cognitive behavioural therapist. It truly was the best thing I've ever done for my health well being. I thought if I could put even 1/4 the effort I spent on my addiction into something constructive I'd be very successful at it, so I started training.

    Put the testosterone down, it wont help you in the long run. Go see your doc and get some help, its nothing to be ashamed of and they deal with people who get into trouble all the time. Being addicted to a substance is a crappy way to live.

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