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Thread: Cycling and When to Have Surgery - Advice Needed

  1. #1
    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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    Cycling and When to Have Surgery - Advice Needed

    So here's the situation. I'm currently on week 8 of a 12-week cycle, Cyp (600 mg/week) for 10 weeks and Prop (100 mg/EOD) for the last 2 weeks. I've been running HCG on cycle and plan to run a 4.5 week Nolva and Clomid PCT. The projected end date of my cycle is 9/12 to 9/19, depending how long the PCT goes.

    I've got an elective cosmetic surgery (removing some loose skin, stretch marks and scaring around the abdominal and love handle area) scheduled for right after my PCT ends and projected recovery time is 4-6 weeks, with no restriction after 6 weeks. So, I'm probably looking at a good 4 weeks out of the gym completely and will also need some soft tissue and scaring recovery. So, I've got a few questions and would appreciate any advice.

    1. Are there any downsides to undergoing a surgery this soon after bouncing back from a cycle? Obviously I'm going to train my ass off right up until the last day, and hope for the best after the time off.

    2. Would there be any alternatives such as maybe continuing through the cycle and just keep a cruise TRT dose of Cyp during the surgery recovery? I thought of this to maybe assist with retaining muscle and strength during the month of no lifting.

    3. Any other ideas for supplementation or "hacks" to speed up recovery? I've got some Vitamin E and Glutamine I'm going to really load heavily before and during the recovery, and I plan on doing a higher protein/keto style diet during the recovery. What else?

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Wizwell's Avatar
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    I would go for option number two myself. I think a TRT dose would help you retain muscle during your inactivity. I would also assume you'll be able to do some light arm and delt work sooner than you think. You'll certainly have to keep your core from any movements though. Personally, I have seen no benefits from Glutamine. I don't see any problems using it though. The vitamin E is a great choice as it actually will help with skin tissue repair. I also recommend rubbing vitamin E on your surgical scars, daily, once they have healed. Your M.D. can recommend when to start with vitamin E application. It will really help minimize scarring. Not sure if I would do the Keto diet while recovering either. You've mentioned you want to retain your muscle mass as best you can. I would eat clean, control your macros, and maintain your TDEE amount while recovering. Dieting always cannibalizes muscle to some extent. There will be plenty of time to diet once you're back in the gym. There are certainly more qualified people than me who may chime in. You may want to post in the nutrition section also.

  3. #3
    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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    So say I go down to the cruise dose? Recommendations on how much there? 125 mg/week seem solid?

  4. #4
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    Too much testosterone inhibits wound healing (levels that are super low also inhibit wound healing). Lots of anecdotal reports of increased scarring with higher testosterone levels as well.
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    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    Too much testosterone inhibits wound healing (levels that are super low also inhibit wound healing). Lots of anecdotal reports of increased scarring with higher testosterone levels as well.
    Test is not your answer(think about it you won't even be moving much) if anything you'll gain weight(unwanted weight)... Look into TB500 - try starting it now - run in through pct and through your surgery and PT - that's maybe your best plan of attack - not test(as mentioned by TAB)!!!

  6. #6
    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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    What would you recommend for the TB500 dosing? From what I've read, you almost can't go too high. However, I'm thinking running it for 4 weeks post-surgery would be sufficient as recovery is generally 2-4 weeks according to the doc. Something along the lines of 2-4 mg a week?

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    TB500 is best ran for long periods! I've never used it but am starting to look into it(there's been some good posts lately regarding its effectiveness) - one member just labrum surgery and took it starting b4 the surgery thru PT and still going - and hes 3 months post op and reports full range of motion - which is great considering the structural problem... The important thing is your surgeon and your PT! Get the best!

    I'm not sure about dosing just look it up here(search engine) should bring up logs posts etc regarding TB500 - GL

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    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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