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Thread: Anadrol and it's higher estrogenic properties??

  1. #1
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Anadrol and it's higher estrogenic properties??

    Hello everyone,

    so I've been researching a-drol and it's very mysterious! So it doesn't aromatize, it's NOT a progestin, yet it's estrogenic properties are very much present & high! Sore nips are most common(which brings me back to progesterone to some degree?! Idk lol - but it's very interesting

    Can it bind to the progesterone receptor along w/a 19nor & cause a pathway to the progesterone receptor??

    It seems not many/or anyone can actually answer this dead on as its the mystery!

    Can someone expand on this a little, or is this just what comes w/the territory... Thx
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-14-2015 at 02:07 PM.

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Hey NACH3. Oxy doesn't aromatize or attach to the progesterone receptor. Although, I believe that one of oxy's metabolites has the ability to bind to the e2 receptor even though it doesn't aromatize. This means an AI would be useless against oxy induced increased e2. One would need to use a SERM to counteract oxy's effect on e2 receptors.
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  3. #3
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Wow very interesting thread. Good question nach.

  4. #4
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Man I just know on test, npp, and drol my nipples were sore and swollen. I was using aromasin , caber, and raloxifene to keep it under control. Poor liver.....
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  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Wow very interesting thread. Good question nach.
    It's a bit of a mystery! Or like numbere said - if SERMs are the answer(and I can see this point) then I'd think nolva/or Ralox - Ralox is more potent(and used in gyno reversal more so than nolva - though nolva would be sufficient - both stop breast tissue development and would reduce oxy induced elevated E2... At the receptor w/a SERM!

    Thx for the input numbere...
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-14-2015 at 08:34 PM.
    jolter604 likes this.

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