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  1. #1
    twswmw1818 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2014

    cutting on cycle

    i was wondering if im in a deflect will test and whinny help preserve muscle loss and/or build muscle at the same time even if on a little bit?

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    Yes, if you're in a caloric deficit test will help retain muscle tissue. Unless you have amazing genetics you won't build any lean mass. You may feel bigger but you likely wouldn't have added any new muscle.

  3. #3
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Yes, if you're in a caloric deficit test will help retain muscle tissue. Unless you have amazing genetics you won't build any lean mass. You may feel bigger but you likely wouldn't have added any new muscle.
    The best advice I can tell u is to pick one or the other. Meaning lean bulking PR cutting! Not both. U will be very disappointed in the results of trying to build muscle and loss weight in the same time.. Unless u do a 8 week bulk and a 8 week cut but that more for someone competing or an advanced user.

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