Thread: Full recover after cycle
08-02-2015, 04:37 PM #1
Full recover after cycle
Hello all.
It's been a while since i started reading this forum,and i learned a lot of things about steroids and not only.
There is one thing I didn't seen it here(or maybe i missed it)!Has anyone fully recovered from a cycle?!
I see some guys saying: i feel good after PCT,i have mornings woods etc( i guess those signs some guys have at low test too)but what about blood tests?Let's say someones testosterone before cycle was at 800,and after PCT testosterone is back at the same level 800!?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
08-02-2015, 05:03 PM #2
No one can say for sure some recover and some don't. It certainly is a risk
08-02-2015, 06:05 PM #3
Most do. Those that don't listen sometimes don't and the consequences can be quite devestating. Keep in mind that test levels can fluctuate quite a bit. 6 mounths after my first cycle my test level was 100 ng/dl higher. As long as you are old enough to cycle, follow correct AI,hCG , PCT protocol and cycle no more than twice a year you most lickly will not run into problems. Many start to deviate from this as they get greedy and run into problems.
08-03-2015, 03:52 AM #4Originally Posted by Iron-56
Before i do my first proper cycle,i definitely want to make sure i have enough evidence that there is a good chance of recovering,cuz i dont wanna be on trt for the rest of my life,and i didn't seen anyone saying with proofs that he got recovered perfectly from a cycle,hence my question.
I had bad experience with a stupid anavar only half cycle before joining this forum(dead libido,soft erections,high colesterol,long time recovering etc)and now i want to make sure before i start a real one.
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