Im looking to do roughly a 16 week cycle both a bulk and "mini cutting" phase, not sure on how to do it exactly if anyone has any experience, help would be much appreciated.

Currently around 12% Bodyfat looking to do a simple bulk cycle of;
1-4 weeks, Dbol , 30mg ed
1-10 weeks, Deca , 400mg pw
1-10 weeks, Test enanthate , 800mg pw

(keep calories clean in surplus)

Mini "5 week cut.
11-16 weeks, Test enanthate, 600mg pw
13-16 weeks, winstrol or var

(Ultra clean slight caloric deficit, up the cardio) just to shed any excess BF from the bulk.

I was wondering if this is a good idea or is it better to keep the tradition bulk and cutting cycle seperate?