Hello everyone, My names mike im 5'7 155 lbs. Not sure what my body fat is but im pretty lean, but also a little bulky for my height. Ive been working out at the gym for about 3.5 years now going for at least 5 days a week. I bench about 285. Squat 315. deadlift 350. Summers obv over now and im looking to jump on a cycle, I do not believe that I am prone to hairloss because most of my friends are balding at my age and i still have a full head of hair but i am still worried about losing it. I would like your guys opinion on if i should be taking finasteride even though i am not prone to hairloss. Im just worried that if i take it and stop that it would make things worse. Please throw me your opinions it would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking for my first cycle id keep it simple and go with a longer ester like test e. Something like this...

Test e 1-12 weeks
Anavar 8-12 weeks
Then for pct
clomid and nolvedex.
finasteride Throughout the cycle