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Thread: From a newb to a n00b: My perspective of integrating research

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    SePz is offline New Member
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    Sep 2015

    From a newb to a n00b: My perspective of integrating research

    Before anyone goes on reading this novel, understand the purpose is to give perspective to a new comer from a fellow n00b about the countless hours of research iv done. Just want people to understand not everything you read is written in stone. Though I will seem to be pro AAS, what I'm trying to get across is that I feel it is imperative for one to understand the ins and outs of cycling instead of just using someones format and trying to follow it.Also, bordem while I'm interning causes vent sessions.
    What’s crazy about this society we live in is that when people of social hierarchy, such as a prestigious doctor or leader, tell us something we automatically take it as cold hard facts. What many people lack when conducting research is perspective, go onto any gov ran drug abuse site and what you will read is honestly beyond bizarre what they claim steroids do(they use the .01% of cases as their anti doping argument). Hell, they even consider weed to be a hallucinogenic (sure most of my friends wished that it was) any way if you compare to the information you read on a ‘strong supp’ online shop trying to push PHs or one of the UG labs their description makes it seem like their ‘safe’ compounds can make Steven Hawkings run a triathalon with Ronnie coleman on his back. Point being, the truth for anything controversial, especially when it comes to something such as AAS due to their individuality of results, has to be framed by no one but yourself while understanding the underlying ultimatum of the source of information.
    Coming from a medical school student (only a year in so doesn’t mean much) doctors learn a lot of straightforward textbook scenarios, where steroids are a curveball. Most, and when I say most I virtually mean all but whom find interest in steroids (such as Dr Scully, look him up and read his stuff. You won’t regret it) are going to abide by the ‘if its not broke don’t fix it’ mentality. You have to also consider, with the medical field today and all of the malpractice law suites/potentially losing a license that takes a life devotion to obtain, that the US doctors will not be too friendly with the whole AAS field. Just because society prioritizes your internal health out ways your physique does it necessarily make it right? Society worries about macro problems (health care) not individuals, but in my opinion would you rather walk around with confidence and live a happy life (and healthy as long as you follow protocols) instead of maintaining numerical biological values in the normal range and maybe being insecure/depressed caged, not able to live life freely or as you would imagine?
    “Time and space are perception only. Consciousness is king.” In other words, I’m a firm believer in making yourself happy before making your doctor happy. Also means that you shouldn’t only live for your physique and the tangible. (No that doesn’t mean **** your body up, you cant be happy if you aren’t alive, have limp-dick, need kidney dialysis at 30, need a liver transplant, accidentally turned she male,ect. There's levels to this shit.)
    The problem of AAS is the taboo that’s been casted upon the community; each user is stigmatized by people that only parrot information from the government (misleading info), yet not a single person could support their claims. Even many doctors don’t know to what extent that they are talking about when you talk to them (if it’s not their specialty-endo, then their level of knowledge about it is very slim. Steroids & Bodybuilding 101 isn’t a med school course), so of course they wont advise you to screw your system up.
    However, this doesn’t mean I’m a strong advocate of juice and think it should become OTC at CVS. In my opinion, once at the point of maturation or solid research foundation then should it be maybe considered. Even with the whole concept of ’25 age minimum’, which generally I believe in, but moreso from the psychological aspect than physical. Compulsive kids would jump on cycles their first day walking into the gym and try and take elephant magnitude doses to go from a middle school body to hulk overnight, after the initial interest wears off most would completely neglect PCT protocols. Not only kids are guilty, but lazy adults as well. (sorry but if you view steroids as a short cut instead of supplementing a healthy lifestyle, don’t waste your time/health/money bc you will only be disappointed) If you don’t know your shit and aren’t fully prepared walking into a cycle, expect those overdramatic government claimed side effects.
    What’s ironic about this is I have yet to cycle AAS(did a few PHs back when I was young and niave-regret), iv been researching it for years(at first in a bias matter trying to read what I wanted to hear), recently came on the forum to pick vets brains, and still think I have some time to go before making the commitment. I have read COUNTLESS logs on cycles going wrong to learn from mistakes, I have used pubmed to get supporting research, read through successful cycles, and when I have questions I ask. It’s the people who don’t know what they are doing that are really f*cking their bodies up and of course are adding fuel to the anti-steroid community. Hey, I’m not going to sit here and act like injecting exogenous hormones is completely safe, but the mainstream views are so skewed. (Studies on cigarettes show definitive correlation to cancers, show hundreds carcinogens and poisons within, yet younger generations still smoke. Why? Its socially acceptable)
    Claims of sterility from juice; if you read up on their past cycles (lasting years continuously w/o HCG ) its not too hard to figure their nuts don’t work(HTPA shutdown for years on end or even over doing HCG which runs through the limited resource of leydig cells).
    Claims of ED, people got wet compound without proper ancillaries (Adex) or poor PCT.
    Low T in the months after PCT are almost always due to improper PCT(OTC stuff sucks ass)/lack of HCG use.
    Many heart problems could be caught on if bloods where taking before, mid, after. (Or doing intense cardio on cycle >90% max BPM-speculation with a lot of studies, not definitive but there is definitely an abundance of mid adults 40-50 who juiced and have heart issues)
    The list goes on and on; and about 99% of the time there is an answer, which if implemented earlier the problem could have been avoided.

    Moral of the story; create your own truth. Do your own research. Seek help as needed. Don’t become another victim of ignorance, not only for your own well-being but for the community as a whole.
    IMO, you should be on the forum for at least a year of reading before you cycle and when the time comes that you are mentally and physically prepared run it by the community to make sure you are set. The goal shouldn’t be to just get big, it should be to run a smooth cycle that if you decide at the end is your last wont mess your body up for life.
    Last edited by SePz; 09-11-2015 at 11:41 AM.

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