What do you guys think about the 1 vial cycle recommended by Joe Doe? I can't post links cause I don't have enough posts.

This was my first experience with steroids , it was a 1 vial cycle of testosterone cypionate , and I gained a solid 23 lbs in 8 weeks off that little ****er!!! It was an old school pyramid/taper cycle, but it worked!!! Now I’m writing this for a beginner, and my goal here is to keep you safe and smart while gaining some mucho muscles. The first thing you need to know is steroids without a doctors prescription are illegal. Not only are they illegal, they are a schedule III narcotic. That means they are in the same classification as cocaine, meth, and heroin.

Although not always looked at in the same light, they are a schedule III and the penalties lately have been getting harsher. So just know that before you start or bring this shit into your parents house (like I did years ago). As for acquiring steroids, you’re on your own.

You will need 1, 10CC bottle of testosterone cypionate OR testosterone enanthate . You will inject once a week for 8 weeks.

Week 1- 1/2CC

Week 2- 1CC

Week 3- 1.5CC

Week 4- 2CC

Week 5-2CC

Week 6- 1.5CC

Week 7- 1CC

Week 8- 1/2CC

Clomid Therapy