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Thread: HCG & Armidex Both?

  1. #1
    almaga1979 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2014

    HCG & Armidex Both?

    I just finished PCT and on my last cycle I did run HCG but not Armidex so my question is do you have to run both on every cycle? My last cycle was Test E and Deca but I did not run Armidex. My first week of PCT was a nightmare as far as depression goes but I was not sure if this came from leaving out Armidex. I am on antidepressants but have never felt this depressed in my life shit I was ready to walk out of the house and say **** this. I have no clue if the issue was caused by the novladex,clomid, or from leaving out Armidex. I am giving myself a few more weeks off to wait on bloodwork but taking my time due to the PCT depression I went through. As I stated the depression was only the first week but it was a long long long week.

  2. #2
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Glad to hear you have turned the corner on the depression. I can only imagine! I can't answer whether or not leaving the adex out of your cycle contributed to an increase of your feelings of depression; however, it would definitely be better to include adex (or another AI) along with your hcg on cycle to help minimize unwanted sides and aid in a quicker, more complete recovery. Since you state that you are on anti-depressant medication, prior to this cycle, I would guess that ending the cycle and the associated decline in test levels would have been a major driver in your increase in the level of depression you experienced. Again, glad you've turned that corner. Now focus on recovery and staying healthy! Good luck!
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 09-16-2015 at 09:21 PM.

  3. #3
    almaga1979 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info. I read somewhere but cant find it now is that Nolvadex will block or is contraindicated with SSRIs. That would be a painful withdrawl symptoms from the SSRI. I dont know how acurate this is because the only think difference on week two was dropping the clomid from 75 to 50 and novladex from 40 to 20. I have always had anxiety and stuff but never something like this. I kept most of my gains so far which I guess is a plus but Im terrified to go though that again. I also thought it was the decline in my test levels but not sure at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Glad to hear you have turned the corner on the depression. I can only imagine! I can't answer whether or not leaving the adex out of your cycle contributed to an increase of your feelings of depression; however, it would definitely be better to include adex (or another AI) along with your hcg on cycle to help minimize unwanted size and aid in a quicker, more complete recovery. Since you state that you are on anti-depressant medication, prior to this cycle, I would guess that ending the cycle and the associated decline in test levels would have been a major driver in your increase in the level of depression you experienced. Again, glad you've turned that corner. Now focus on recovery and staying healthy! Good luck!

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by almaga1979 View Post
    Thanks for the info. I read somewhere but cant find it now is that Nolvadex will block or is contraindicated with SSRIs. That would be a painful withdrawl symptoms from the SSRI. I dont know how acurate this is because the only think difference on week two was dropping the clomid from 75 to 50 and novladex from 40 to 20. I have always had anxiety and stuff but never something like this. I kept most of my gains so far which I guess is a plus but Im terrified to go though that again. I also thought it was the decline in my test levels but not sure at this point.
    SSRIs and SNRIs can block the activity of the CYP2D6 enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing nolva.

    Note that not all SSRIs or SNRIs have this effect and you should research your particular medications.

    If you cycle again you should consider not using SSRIs during PCT or using toremifene in place of nolva because it's rate of metabolism is not effected by 2D6.

    Below are some medications one should avoid when taking nolva.

    HCG & Armidex Both?-screenshot-2015-09-17-10.15.18-am.png
    OdinsOtherSon likes this.

  5. #5
    almaga1979 is offline New Member
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    Wow that is very informative. Im currently on effexor,remeron , and Zoloft. I have been on these meds a little over three years so I would have to taper off or switcch over to toremifene. Effexor is on the list and Im on a high dosage of that so most likely thats what happened. Thank you so much for posting the info! Will Proviron or Femara work as well or only toremifene?

    QUOTE=numbere;7103731]SSRIs and SNRIs can block the activity of the CYP2D6 enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing nolva.

    Note that not all SSRIs or SNRIs have this effect and you should research your particular medications.

    If you cycle again you should consider not using SSRIs during PCT or using toremifene in place of nolva because it's rate of metabolism is not effected by 2D6.

    Below are some medications one should avoid when taking nolva.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2015-09-17 at 10.15.18 AM.png 
Views:	169 
Size:	15.7 KB 
ID:	159503[/QUOTE]
    Last edited by almaga1979; 09-17-2015 at 10:21 AM.

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by almaga1979 View Post
    Wow that is very informative. Im currently on effexor,remeron , and Zoloft. I have been on these meds a little over three years so I would have to taper off or switcch over to toremifene. Effexor is on the list and Im on a high dosage of that so most likely thats what happened. Thank you so much for posting the info! Will Proviron or Femara work as well or only toremifene?
    Femara is another name that letro is marketed under. Letro is a powerful AI. Using an AI during PCT is not a good idea because you risk the chance of crashing your e2.

    Proviron is suppressive to natural hormone production and should not be used during PCT.

    IMO the only compounds that should be taken during PCT are SERMs.

    Edit: Effexor does not inhibit 2D6 expression. Mirtazapine and zoloft have are moderate to low inhibitors.
    Last edited by numbere; 09-17-2015 at 10:51 AM.

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