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Thread: Injecting Test Propionate Subcutaneously vs Intramuscular

  1. #1
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Injecting Test Propionate Subcutaneously vs Intramuscular

    Whilst there are lots of threads about "Sub Q vs IM" I cannot see any that refer specifically to Injecting Prop Sub Q.

    I understand that the absorption rate is slower with Sub Q and that you can only inject ~0.6ml per shot.

    I want to split a dose of 350mg per week into ed shots of 50mg (0.5ml). Because the PIP from this Prop is literally a pain in the ass.

    Is the rate of absorption an issue here?

    How often can I get away with using the same site, such as right glute sub q


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    My PIP with test P was worse using sub Q.
    I would gain painful welts that would last over a week.
    At .5ml ED that leaves you with 350mg/week and seven painful lumps.
    I ran out of areas to pin and switched to IM. I also cut my test P with GSO.

  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Is this your first time using prop? It'll get better imo - I prefer IM over sub-q any day - is the pip that bad? If so try sub-q but I think you'd be better off doing IM just rotate thru enough sites -

    What's the concentration 100mg/ml?

    DD hit it too w/gso so im thinking if you can't work the pinned area then cut it as well

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stop using UGL and seek pharm grade and you will get zero pip. I would stick with IM shots over sub-q especially using UGL. UGL just isn't worth it you have no idea what it is or how much your getting
    tarmyg likes this.

  5. #5
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the replies.

    The Prop I have is Black Dragon Pharma 100mg/ml. I've used the same batch for last couple of cycles to kick start and finish with. I cannot vouch for it's potency as I've always used it in conjunction with Test E, but as a kickstart the effect is noticable with 7-10 days.

    Until now I've always used it IM and the PIP is volume related, 0.5ml kinda hurts like a bruise, 1ml is harsh and I'm occasionally limping, 1.5ml I can barely use the muscle and walking is difficult. I tried a couple of shots at 0.25ml Sub Q in either glute (as an experiment) and I've noticed no pain, swelling or redness at all, which is why I'm interested to know whether there is any issue with absorption of Prop using Sub Q. Once I've finished with this batch I'll be sourcing a different brand, but I'm only using this to finish my current cycle in a few weeks time.

  6. #6
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    I'm on trt and I inject sub Q. I've also injected test p sub Q. Just like dead lifting dog said, it left very painful bumps that turned into bruises on me. They lasted any where from 2-7 days. I would highly suggest injecting test p I.M. good test P isn't painful I.M. lol but sub Q it sure is. If you want to inject sub Q use test C or test E. It's smooth and almost zero pain. Also I've learned smaller shots are much easier with sub Q. I only inject .25ml to .30ml per site. But doing it this way I feel zero pain afterwards or the next day. When I use to go bigger .4ml to .6ml I would get painful lumps or bruises sometimes. Just have to find out what works best for you.

  7. #7
    Billegitimate is offline Junior Member
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    I've done up to .6ml of test prop subq. Was doing daily subq prop shots. Some left a little bump, but anything about .3 and below did nothing adverse. If the prop is good (mine was from a U.S. Compounding pharmacy) it's okay for me subq. I do everything subq.

    I once had some other sourced prop that I could do .6ml with no reaction, but it had EO in it and that stuff came out my pores and stunk!!!

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