Thread: 4th cycle advice needed
10-11-2015, 10:37 PM #1
4th cycle advice needed
So I am finishing the final days of PCT of my 3rd cycle. I am already planning my next cycle. The only thing that's changed is now I compete and get tested at events from WADA. I was looking to use Test Prop because of short detection times and was either going to use Dbol or anavar kick starter. Any opinions or advice on a cycle that will be out of my system with PCT in 4-8 weeks?
14% via Dexa Scan
Squat 415
Bench 325
Dead lift 455
Press 205
Clean 335
Snatch 250
10-12-2015, 07:24 AM #2
Do you need a kickstarter with Prop?
Test and Deca for 4th cycle maybe
Test suspension - but it's hlf life is very short needing 2-3 pins per day(to keep blood levels stable I'd do 3 myself)
If going for prop... Drop the deca and opt for NPP - same compound shorter ester! And you'd not need a kicker for prop or suspension - plus if you want to kick start w/anything use your prop and frontload it at a little higher dose then drop it down after wk 3-4...
What's your goals? Strength/size & mass/or a lean bulk? If the latter I like var w/your test but I'd backload it for 6-8 wks w/liver support(NAC)
10-12-2015, 03:42 PM #4
My goals are mainly recovery. I need to keep training hard in the off season and not breakdown. As far as Deca the dection time is way to long, something like 6 months. Just test Prop may work at 100mg EOD.
Deca Durabolin can be detectable up to 18months...
Test suspension is out in like 8.5 hrs(or very close to it) TNE(test no ester) same as suspension really - this will be way less detectable vs prop... Plus after 6 wks is your done pct then you have to worry about your pct and estro rebound moreso than running on of the others up to it near the time you need to drop it...
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