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Thread: Beginners cycle

  1. #1
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    Beginners cycle

    This will be my first cycle so I'm taking the advice and going with 12 weeks test-e with hcg . Is there a way to lessen the amount of water you hold? My goal is simple, I'd like to lose fat, gain a modest amount of size and definition, and not make it obvious I'm using steroids . Any other advice anyone can offer? I'm 6'1" 193 15% bf. I've been trying to keep my caloric intake just under 2500. I have read that lowering your carb intake by replacing carb calories with protein calories is a good way to lessen water mass, shed more fat, and and promote more lean muscle mass. Any truth to this? Depending on how i handle this cycle, I'll be moving on the novice cutting cycle. Thanks for any input guys/gals, can't wait to hear from ya!

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Are you running an AI?

    That will help with your water retention as well as your E2 and Prolactin, and drinking ALOT of water will help with the water retention too

    What is your PCT plan?

    I wouldnt take steroids and eat little so people cant tell, theres no point in taken them if your not going to eat id say 3000 cals minimum.

    If you dont want anyone to realise then dont use them, or just lie and say youve changed diet and training efforts.

  3. #3
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    No I wasn't planning an AI until my next cycle. I wanted to follow the plan outlined on this forum for first time cycles. My pct was also going to be the one outlined here, norvade for weeks after a 14 days off everything. My average daily calorie usage (forgot the acronym) is roughly 2500 so I didn't want to exceed that. My thinking is that if I maintain the same caloric intake I've been on but the cycle increases my performance I'll be burning mors than I'm taking in and if subtract carb intake for protein intake id protect my muscles. Thoughts?

  4. #4
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I see you have read this thread,

    But from what you just stated in your last post, I'd suggest reading it again.
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  5. #5
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    You should use an AI on every cycle!
    Do you know what an AI is and what its used for?

    You said you want to get lean gains off this cycle then cut the next cycle
    You need to eat more to gain weight period.

    PCT should consist of Nolvadex and Clomid, not just one or the other, you need both.

    Before starting this cycle, I suggest get a bit more research done on;
    Diet and Nutrition

    And read this

  6. #6
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    I've read it a few times but I'm also taking into account what my trainer and various friends who've been doing steroids a while have told me. I guess I should just follow the plan outlined to a T and base my next cycles on that experience. Although the novice cutting cycle does include an AI to minimize water retention.

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    You dont just use an AI on cutting cycles, we dont take it to just avoid water retention, that is a benefit of using it, we use it to prevent estrogen build up and keep your E2 and Prolactin in line.

    Without sounding rude, you wont get better advice than one can on this forum. We get a lot of people here whos trainer will tell them this and that, its not always true.

    But ive given my advice, hopefuly others will chime in before you make your decision.

    Good luck dude

  8. #8
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    The number of people who come here looking for advice on how to correct what their "friends, buddies and/trainer" told them to do is practically uncountable. Follow the advice in the stickie, imho.
    NACH3 and bloodchoke like this.

  9. #9
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    The number of people who come here looking for advice on how to correct what their "friends, buddies and/trainer" told them to do is practically uncountable. Follow the advice in the stickie, imho.
    This^^^ everyday we have members trainers proposing tren cycles as a first cycle - or oral only cycles - cycles w/out test as a base - clearly they're uneducated on how hormones and your endocrine system actually works!

    Hell, most docs don't know half of what some members know and some have forgot more than they'd ever know,... Horrible but the truth!

    Follow that link Odin posted an yes follow it to the T... AI HCG both from the start of your cycle - if they say anything different show em this forum so they too can properly be educated - GL

    PS - If no one knows your on cycle your not doing it right - at all lol - you should want people to think it at the very least - it gets to a point that no matter what they know.... Believe me they will ask - everyday it seems lol
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-12-2015 at 02:09 PM.
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  10. #10
    Bodacious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    This^^^ everyday we have members trainers proposing tren cycles as a first cycle - or oral only cycles - cycles w/out test as a base - clearly they're uneducated on how hormones and your endocrine system actually works!

    Hell, most docs don't know half of what some members know and some have forgot more than they'd ever know,... Horrible but the truth!

    Follow that link Odin posted an yes follow it to the T... AI HCG both from the start of your cycle - if they say anything different show em this forum so they too can properly be educated - GL

    PS - I no one knows your on cycle your not doing it right - at all lol - you should want people to think it at the very least - it gets to a point that no matter what they know.... Believe me they will ask - everyday it seems lol
    Nach nailed this.


  11. #11
    here2grow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RadDad357 View Post
    This will be my first cycle so I'm taking the advice and going with 12 weeks test-e with hcg. Is there a way to lessen the amount of water you hold? My goal is simple, I'd like to lose fat, gain a modest amount of size and definition, and not make it obvious I'm using steroids . Any other advice anyone can offer? I'm 6'1" 193 15% bf. I've been trying to keep my caloric intake just under 2500. I have read that lowering your carb intake by replacing carb calories with protein calories is a good way to lessen water mass, shed more fat, and and promote more lean muscle mass. Any truth to this? Depending on how i handle this cycle, I'll be moving on the novice cutting cycle. Thanks for any input guys/gals, can't wait to hear from ya!
    Whats your age?

  12. #12
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by here2grow View Post
    Whats your age?
    34.... His!
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-12-2015 at 02:18 PM.

  13. #13
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    I'm right behind you..
    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    The number of people who come here looking for advice on how to correct what their "friends, buddies and/trainer" told them to do is practically uncountable. Follow the advice in the stickie, imho.
    If you weren't allowed to post until you passed a quiz on the stickies, the Anabolic Q&A forum would be really slow.

  14. #14
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I bet you'd STILL get the same questions, but your sentiment is very much appreciated! Lol

  15. #15
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the input guys, I really appreciate it. I've been so focused on my nutrition and training, making sure I've got the descipline to stick to them for the last 12 months. I've only researched the actual cycle for a month and pretty much decided on the "beginners cycle" link from the home page. Only recently I started sifting through the forums and found the other program. I guess I've just been nervous and kind of bouncing between what to do. But yall are right, as far as the "buddy/trainer" advice thing goes. I'm going to study the thread "My first Cycle" follow it to a T and document my results. I don't plan on starting until November so I think I've got enough time to make sure I'm lined out before first injection. Thanks again!

  16. #16
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    A buddy of mine ran a 2 year deca only cycle and tells me not to cycle and to just stay on, he also says if i stop gaining just to switch compounds lol
    Hes also never heard of PCT.

    Im not saying your trainer or friends are as dumb as mine, but theres a prime example of how wrong they can be.

    Research, research and read it again
    You will find next time your discussing steroids with friends etc that when they speak you will be saying or thinking in your head "bullshit, thats not correct"

  17. #17
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    Yeah, my mistake was thinking (the people told me) was to make sure my training program was a good one and I was disciplined. I wasn't sure on nutrition, I've had people tell me to just eat everything in site and consume as many calories as I could possibly handle. This site and the people who give advice on the forums have been a godsend. However in "my first cycle" it does say that for bulking consume over your TDEE and for cutting consume less. It also talks about bloating could possibly be caused by too many carbs or adjusting AI but I've decided to stick to my diet and wait to see how respond to the cycle and make adjustments if needed during the cycle. Ofcourse I'll post here first to get advice.

  18. #18
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    I did a test and deca cycle in the past, got the same advice, eat everything and anything in sight, i grew but looked shitty, could have looked way better with a good diet,

    My outlook is so different now, if your not running a good diet, you may as well throw the steroids in the bin and sit on the couch instead of hitting the gym.

    Diet is the key to remove the locks to our goals.

  19. #19
    RadDad357 is offline New Member
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    Well that's something I've worked really hard on. I've some cheats here and there but for the most part, I watch my calories and and how how reach my caloric goal every day as far as proteins, carbs, fats. To be honest that along with putting in regular work at the gym has done wonders for me, now I just want a boost to get ready for next summer vacations.

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