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Thread: Expert advice needed(DNP)

  1. #1
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Expert advice needed(DNP)

    First my reason to try it are simple.

    It works pretty damn well, and im extremely curious and want to experiment.

    Im mostly satisfy with my size. But my issue as always been getting lean enough to make my size show...

    I was thinking of blasting with 500mg test-e E4D, with only 200mg DNP ED for 14-21days.
    Nearly 1g test should be enough to prevent muscle loss.
    And 200mg daily should be low enough to handle it.

    Honestly my only worries with it are the longterm effect of DNP...

    Ive had a dr that told me that a few run in a lifetime should not cause problems.
    Ive read studies showing DNP causing positif metabolic lasting effect...

    But I still find it quite hard to believe... that drug is dangerous and extremely potent.(not that it worry me...)

    Does anyone is aware of possible lasting negative effect(except cataract), possible with DNP??

    IDC about feeling like crap while ON.
    Im not worried at all about overheating.(winter here can reach -40 celsius so... if im.getting hot I jump naked in the snow :P)

    Any general advise??

    Will take DNP before bed.
    Diet wise: low fat high prots med carbs (around 2500-3k cals daily)
    May have sleep meds if needed
    Lots of water and electrolyte
    Taurine suplementation
    No stimulate except caffein
    Training wise: will try alternating between heavyweight low volume(3x3) light weight med volume(3x10), I want to keep as much strength as I can.
    Cialis to control blood pressure.
    Dont plan on doing cardio.

    Do I forget anything??

  2. #2
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    I have no personal knowledge of DNP but I'm REALLY curious to see how it works. DNP sounds contraindicated, will work but can hurt you. If you run it, post your log. Be careful.

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I have no personal knowledge of DNP but I'm REALLY curious to see how it works. DNP sounds contraindicated, will work but can hurt you. If you run it, post your log. Be careful.
    Honestly, short term effect sounds unpleasant to say the least... but arent much of a concern, dying from it is quite unlikely if done properly and Ill be dosing my own caps.
    But im worry about what longterm consequence it could have...

    But as strange as it seems the only proof ive seen on the longterm effect are quite positive... (obviously abusing and using once every few years is 2 different things but still...)

  4. #4
    Splifton's Avatar
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    I had a few friends who occasionally used it for the weight loss effects, but I can tell you that the scientific literature on it's pharmacokinetics are pretty rudimentary to say the least. They would use cyclical protocols such as 5 days on 2 days off and those 2 days would be the weekend 80% of the time. I've seen studies citing a biological half-life anywhere between 5hr-30hr. However, like everything in this world it's dosage dependent along with a few other intrinsic factors concerning the efficiency of metabolism. Also, don't fall for the ignorant belief that you must consume large amounts of carbohydrates to fully utilize it's weight loss capabilities as it's primary mechanism is oxidative phosphorylation...

    The only deaths that I've been able to really find concrete information on involved suicides surprisingly. It makes sense though considering how it works and that once you go all the way there really isn't too much to bring you back.

    Here is what I had gathered a while back. They all had DNP use in common along with their other performance-enhancing compounds. I got more, but that should be sufficient. I know that I'm hardly an expert on anything, but I felt I could lend a little bit of insight!

    Dilated cardiomyopathy and acute liver injury associated with combined use of ephedra, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, and anabolic steroids. - PubMed - NCBI
    Cardiac hypertrophy in deceased users of anabolic androgenic steroids: an investigation of autopsy findings. - PubMed - NCBI
    Acute myocardial infarction in a 22-year-old world class weight lifter using anabolic steroids. - PubMed - NCBI
    Adverse Health Consequences of Performance-Enhancing Drugs: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement
    Anabolics and cardiomyopathy in a bodybuilder: case report and literature review. - PubMed - NCBI

  5. #5
    krugerr's Avatar
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    I purchased some last year. I ran it for maybe 5 days at a low dose, I don't recall my exact protocol, I have it written somewhere. I did lose some weight. But the side effects for me were very noticeable. I'd be sweating all day, right through my clothes. On Christmas Day I had to go stand in the garden in my T-Shirt. The night sweats were disgusting. I'd jump into bed, with a towel under me. Before I'd even fallen into a deep sleep if be awake because id feel the sweat rolling off my body. The duvet would be soaked, the towel and the sheets. Even the mattress needed airing each day.

    I can't help myself, I'm an engineer in mentality. If I'm told X doesn't work or Y should only be used in certain parameters, my only thought is, what happens outside those parameters! I have to try things, and that applies to my steroid use as well.

    TLDR: besides being hot and sweating, I felt no other negative side effects and did lose BF. Note, only lasted around 8-10 days before I came off. Wife hated the sweats. Sent from my iPhone using Forum
    Last edited by krugerr; 10-23-2015 at 12:42 AM.

  6. #6
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    I'm going to be frank. DNP is pointless and if you value your life you won't use it!
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  7. #7
    R8junkie's Avatar
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    You should watch the video posted on the DNP profile on the main website this forum is connected to. It will give you some insight. I'd avoid it considering it's officially labeled as a POISON and is classified as an industrial chemical.

  8. #8
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R8junkie View Post
    You should watch the video posted on the DNP profile on the main website this forum is connected to. It will give you some insight. I'd avoid it considering it's officially labeled as a POISON and is classified as an industrial chemical.

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Just watched the video
    Fvck that sh1t! Not worth the risk buddy

  10. #10
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Just watched the video
    Fvck that sh1t! Not worth the risk buddy
    Watched the videon too and it didnt learn me anything I didnt already knew..

    Yes it is extremely harsh... like anything extremely efficient.

    Lost of death were suicide, other were stupid dosing. there is a really small pourcentage of death that was related to reasonnable dosing. And those were because DNP was sold as an overthecounter fat burner where people didnt even knew they were taking dnp...

    So yes it can kill us but chance are extremely low for someone with half a brain.

    And short term harshness doesnt bother me. Immscared about what could.possibly be the longterm negatives?

  11. #11
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    And short term harshness doesnt bother me. Immscared about what could.possibly be the longterm negatives?
    I think this answers your own question I wouldn't touch that shit with a barge pole.

  12. #12
    tice1212's Avatar
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    qscgugcsq if I knew more about the compound I would help u out but I have no clue about it. Also the people that r saying "I wouldn't touch it" that's great but I'm pretty sure qscgugcsq didn't ask u guys if u would try it. I'm going to bank on the fact that qscgugcsq has done a sh*t ton of research on this compound and has a question for people that have used it before. So if this threads sake. Let's keep ur opinion about qscgugcsq using this compound unless u had experience. Not trying to sound like a d*ck.
    Last edited by tice1212; 10-26-2015 at 11:34 AM.

  13. #13
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Have you tried t3, t4, clen , ephedrine, yohimbine, salbutamol?
    Id try playing with these if you havent, it might help you strip that bit fat you want to shift. Whats your cardio and diet like?

  14. #14
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Have you tried t3, t4, clen , ephedrine, yohimbine, salbutamol?
    Id try playing with these if you havent, it might help you strip that bit fat you want to shift. Whats your cardio and diet like?
    Tried every one of then except salbutamol.

    As I said, in 9 years of experimenting I havent found something control my appetite in a signifiant matter.
    Best I found is IF with med carbs low fat high prots with excessive amount of caffein and ephedrine and I still feel like im starving at over 4000 calories...
    Or starving myself for couple days at a time(cause the secodn and thirds days at 0 cals are easier) but it is extremely unhealthy and harsh.

    The miracle drugs for me is not what will shred fat Its the drug that will KILL(with a fusion bomb right in the face) my appetite.

    Even when im eating over 6k cals daily im always hungry...

    I would rather try phentermine or any other appetite supressor (aderral would be awesome 0.0 )before DNP ...

    But those are freaking hard to find...
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 10-26-2015 at 12:50 PM.

  15. #15
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    add t3.

    dnp can nuke your thyroid levels. I'd recommend 50mcg t3 ED

  16. #16
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Tried every one of then except salbutamol.

    As I said, in 9 years of experimenting I havent found something control my appetite in a signifiant matter.
    Best I found is IF with med carbs low fat high prots with excessive amount of caffein and ephedrine and I still feel like im starving at over 4000 calories...
    Or starving myself for couple days at a time(cause the secodn and thirds days at 0 cals are easier) but it is extremely unhealthy and harsh.

    The miracle drugs for me is not what will shred fat Its the drug that will KILL(with a fusion bomb right in the face) my appetite.

    Even when im eating over 6k cals daily im always hungry...

    I would rather try phentermine or any other appetite supressor (aderral would be awesome 0.0 )before DNP ...

    But those are freaking hard to find...
    I've heard phen phen is a fantastic appetite suppressant - as is adderall! The thing w/adderall & appetite suppressant is that it really dehydrates you - it pulls water from anywhere it can - if you go off adderall watch seizures... I was prescribed it for yrs and at a fairly large dose(30mgs 4x a day IR tabs) but had a seizure from over prescribing(or an overdose on the medication) and this was yrs after I had been on it!

    IMHO id try Phen first - if on a legit HRT regimen you should be able to get it... Is your thyroid ok? Not hypothyroidic are you?

  17. #17
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Well look at your tradeoff and risk to reward ratio. If you find its worth it then go for it but adderral is a big no no. Addy did not suppress my hunger it destroyed it. And fir someone who does not suffer from ADHD to take Addy, it reeeeaally isnt worth it considering it is addictive and has very annoying side effects and a pretty brutal come-down period for some users. I loved Addy when i took it to study but it is soo addictive and harsh i just decided to stop.

  18. #18
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    The thing im wondering, just say you cycle DNP or whatever else to supress your appetite, when you come off it your appetites going to rocket and you will gain the weight again?

  19. #19
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
    The thing im wondering, just say you cycle DNP or whatever else to supress your appetite, when you come off it your appetites going to rocket and you will gain the weight again?
    In fact taking DNP increases hunger,while on it though,especially sugar cravings!

  20. #20
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post

    In fact taking DNP increases hunger,while on it though,especially sugar cravings!
    Yes but it also cause lethargy and overheating which in itself supress appetite.

    and the danger associated with overeating and the dramatic efficiency of the product make it easier to stick to a deficit.

  21. #21
    tice1212's Avatar
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    qscgugcsq I think u should do it and log about it for other members. Not something I would be into using but I would sure love to read about it.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    qscgugcsq I think u should do it and log about it for other members. Not something I would be into using but I would sure love to read about it.
    Of course ill log if I do the leap.

    I may seems certain but that drug still scare the shit out of me XD
    Im extremely curious to try it.
    and I remember the first time ive tried tren i was so.scared of it my diet was perfect my craving were insane but I was so.scare that I sticked to it.
    Never been that lean and vascular in only 10 days... but the craving got back to me... and gained 15 pounds instead of leaning out... **** me...

    Now im running 1g tren-A like it is nothing... once I fixed my sleep issue tren isnt that harsh, for me at least...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Best I found is IF with med carbs low fat high prots with excessive amount of caffein and ephedrine and I still feel like im starving at over 4000 calories... Or starving myself for couple days at a time(cause the secodn and thirds days at 0 cals are easier) but it is extremely unhealthy and harsh...
    Extremely unhealthy and harsh.... Just like DNP .

    Cowboy up and get some willpower.
    You're on a gram of tren A per week and you can't lose fat?

  24. #24
    GingerbeardJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Of course ill log if I do the leap. I may seems certain but that drug still scare the shit out of me XD Im extremely curious to try it. and I remember the first time ive tried tren i was so.scared of it my diet was perfect my craving were insane but I was so.scare that I sticked to it. Never been that lean and vascular in only 10 days... but the craving got back to me... and gained 15 pounds instead of leaning out... **** me... Now im running 1g tren-A like it is nothing... once I fixed my sleep issue tren isnt that harsh, for me at least...
    I logged mine. It wasn't at all as harsh or bad as people say. I ran a low dose tho also and was pretty low carb the whole time. Worked awesome tho.

  25. #25
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Yes but it also cause lethargy and overheating which in itself supress appetite. and the danger associated with overeating and the dramatic efficiency of the product make it easier to stick to a deficit.
    The lethargy will not suppress your appetite. You will constantly be hungry, especially for carbs (sweets especially). Yes, DNP works, but I strongly advise against it. If you decide to run it, please be as safe as you can. And remember, it takes a few days for the dosage to build up in your system, so just because you're not 'feeling it' right away, do NOT increase the dose. This is your first run, so do not exceed 400mg per day...I would actually recommend staying at 200mg. I hope you trust your source enough to dose the caps properly. Good luck OP, and let us know how it goes if you decide to go through with it.

  26. #26
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Edit: I just realized you said you were going to dose your own caps.

  27. #27
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Definatley keep a log if you do take the plunge, would be good to see some progress pics to, good luck buddy

  28. #28
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I think out of all the available drugs - DNP is last on my list for anything

    Shit, and I do everything

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I think out of all the available drugs - DNP is last on my list for anything

    Shit, and I do everything
    Samson correct me if im wrong but as far as I remember you were skinny prior training.
    Meaning you dont understand the struggle of losing fat.

    Force feeding is way easier than constant starving.

  30. #30
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Meaning you dont understand the struggle of losing fat. Force feeding is way easier than constant starving.
    I totally agree with you!!

  31. #31
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    If you stop getting drunk 2-3 per week you may very well find that you get leaner.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    If you stop getting drunk 2-3 per week you may very well find that you get leaner.
    Thats a new one... LOL

    Good luck with the dnp

  33. #33
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
    Samson correct me if im wrong but as far as I remember you were skinny prior training. Meaning you dont understand the struggle of losing fat. Force feeding is way easier than constant starving.
    I got fat bro :/

    Real fat - twice in my life - once to 229 & about 35% Bf & once to 245 & about 30% Bf

    I have fat deposit like a mother fvcker - that won't go away & I rebound very fast.

    I considered DNP enough times - shit, I still have it all on hand

    But, I use other means to control my fatness nower days.

    Shit, like right now - business is slow & I am eating more. I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week.

  34. #34
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    What are your stats roughly in your avatar? And how tall are you?
    You look great, kind of the look im after

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