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Thread: hit a wall?

  1. #1
    senior natty is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2015

    hit a wall?

    its my first cycle
    test e 510 a week

    so the first 6 weeks of my cycle i was putting on ~3 pounds a week (i weigh myself at the end of each week)
    after week 7 (yesterday) instead of being up the usual 3ish pounds i was down about half a pound..

    my diet has been on point so needless to say i was a little frustrated.
    any thoughts as to what may have caused it?
    my 2 thoughts are that i wasnt eating enough or like the title says i hit a wall

    by hit a wall i mean that throughout all my pre cycle research i saw that its common to put on ~20 pounds on your first cycle and im up 18.

    any input is appreciated

    i can post a picture later if anyone is interested on the progress ive made so far

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    We all plateau, thats why most dont run cycles past 12 weeks

    But i would have thought hitting a wall at 6/7 weeks is a bit early, just keep going, i never look at the scales much for this reason, it can dissapoint you.

    I weigh myself every 6 weeks
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  3. #3
    Strongblood's Avatar
    Strongblood is offline Productive Member
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    I wouldn't worry too much about a few pound fluctuation in your weight. That could come from anywhere. A good BM, drop in water weight, etc. I'm sure you haven't lost any muscle, especially half way through cycle. If you continue to lose, you probably need to eat a little more. Sounds like you are getting some good gains so far though! Congrats and be well bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Plateau after 6 weeks? Enth is a long ester and doesn't really "kick in" until about week 4. I would say stay the course and finish your cycle. I can shower and go to the bathroom and see a 3lb fluctuation. LOL

  5. #5
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    This is all in ur head bro. From my experience with test e I honestly don't start to feel anything by week 4 sometime week 6.. Plus u putting on 3lbs every week is water or fat. For sure not muscle unless u have never trained before hitting this cycle lol. Are u taking an a.i.?

  6. #6
    senior natty is offline Junior Member
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    anastrozole at .975ml eod. i started with .55 but got moon face so i gradually increased until it went away

  7. #7
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    How can you expect to gain 3lbs every week...
    Damn i would be over 400 pounds already...

    The bigger you are the harder it becomes...

    Plus the inital weight gain isnt muscle mass, its water retention and glycogen.
    Plus you probably started to eat more. So more food in your digestive tract.

    Running12 week cycle has nothing to do with "getting used to.steroids "... this myth is ****ing moronic and has been debunked hundreds of.time but some retarded still believe it... anyway...

    minor fluctuation can be attributed to way too much factor.
    Dont worry about it but dont expect +3lbs every week...
    The more muscle mass you get the harder it is to stimulte new growth.
    Plus all the increased water due to steroids(water weight that CANT be controled by AI because thats what AAS do... increased glycogen retention and intra-muscular water)

    And BTW... you cant say you reached a true plateau within 1 weeks... due to normal water shift it takes at least 3 weeks to know if it is really a plateau. You must let time to.your body to reajust his water.
    senior natty likes this.

  8. #8
    senior natty is offline Junior Member
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    pre cycle ~188
    this morning post cardio ~206
    Last edited by senior natty; 10-31-2015 at 12:13 PM.

  9. #9
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    As Ive mentioned on here before, my experience has been usually within a few days of starting testosterone e I see an uptick in sex drive, as you get into week 5-8 [depending on your injection frequency] bodyweight increases and noticeable bloating/endema. The weight gain after that stops and into weeks 10+ strength starts to go up. Actually with a 12-wk test e cycle I feel I am strongest coming off weeks 12-14. Then into week 15 & 16 bodyweight [dropping water], sex drive, and strength all drop. While sex drive drops, the only time ever had erectile dysfunction type issue was with tren , otherwise dick works as normal off cycle without any cialis, viagra, levitra.

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