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  1. #1
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014

    Test e and eq cycle pct

    What up peps. test e and eq cycle was preformed for around 15 weeks, just wanted to know if a nolvadex with aromasin pct was a good idea, and what does should be done with aromasin?

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mar 2006
    Aromasin should be run on your cycle along with HCG .

    Pct should consist of nolvadex and clomid.

  3. #3
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Aromasin should be run on your cycle along with HCG .

    Pct should consist of nolvadex and clomid.
    I dont know through reasearch i have been getting different information so i was thinking ill try just dont hcg post cycle 10 days after last pin for 10 days and then nolva and maybe aromasin. I have read nolva and clomid are both SERMS so they basically do the same thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Rest 14 days after last Test E injection. First week, 100mg/ed of Clomid + 40mg/ed of Nolvadex . Next 3 weeks, 50mg/ed of Clomid + 20mg/ed of Nolvadex. That's PCT. Then you need to just let your body rest.

  5. #5
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Rest 14 days after last Test E injection. First week, 100mg/ed of Clomid + 40mg/ed of Nolvadex. Next 3 weeks, 50mg/ed of Clomid + 20mg/ed of Nolvadex. That's PCT. Then you need to just let your body rest.
    So no hcg ? or after that pct you said if my balls are still small (no homo) should i use some hcg to like activate it or whatever ?

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Your balls should gain size after PCT + recovery time
    Just be patient

  7. #7
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Your balls should gain size after PCT + recovery time
    Just be patient
    Aight sweet thanks bro

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