I'm a 30yo woman who is looking to get a bodybuilder physique. I'm 62inches and weigh 140, I'll know my BFP next week. I've lost 165lbs in a healthy way, and have kept it off. I lift 7 days a week, 2-3 hours and do 30-90 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I know this seems like a lot, but exercise has helped me drastically with my military related PTSD, and if I have a rest day I have constant panic attacks. I've hired a nutritionist, who has been helping me steadily lose 1-2lbs a week, and I've noticed a difference within the past 12 weeks in definition and size (all solid muscle). I'm currently carb cycling under my nutritionists supervision. I'm not comfortable telling her I want to start Anavar , which I've already ordered, and want to know if I should be eating differently. I also want to know how this will affect my mood, and energy level. I eat clean, and my macros are 165P, 95F, 60C on low carb days, and 155P, 85F, 290C on high carb days. I have 5 low, and 2 high days, high days are never back to back. I was also wondering what a good starting dose is? Will I lose my gains if I only use it for 6 weeks?
Thank you!