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  1. #1
    lifeisg00d is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015

    First cycle STRONG POST

    6 1
    10% body fat
    6 years of weight training
    24 y.o

    I have done a previous cycle of Hdrol for 6 weeks at 75 mg about 4 years ago and gained about 10 lbs after PCT. The only symptom i suffered from was being lethergic and had nausea ( im assuming because it was too heavy on my liver)

    I also done a cycle of androgel ( VERY DUMB move I didnt do the proper research at the time) ( I did recover from the GEL but did suffer from sensitive nipples for 2-3 weeks post androgel ) ( Please dont scold me for this cycle BECAUSE I KNOW I MADE A MISTAKE)

    I am thinking of doing a proper steroid cycle now consisting of

    Test E (250 mg X 2 ) a week for 15 weeks
    Tbol 50 mg ED ( week 1 - 4)
    Finesteride(Proscar) ( 1mg EOD)
    Arimidex 1 mg ( when ever i start to feel my nipples get sensitive again)

    PCT: Nolva (20/20/20/20) ( first 2 days i will be at 40 )
    Clomid (50/50/50/50 ( first 2 days i will be at 100)

    I do have a few questions I am worried about sides of the finesteride. My family does have a history of MPB and i do know eventually my hair will fall off but i want to be as protected as I can during cycle. I also don't want any crazy side effects like IMPOTENCE, or Erectile Dysfunction. IF i were to use Finesteride 1 mg every other day or every third day what are my chances of seeing any sides? any permenant sides? When should i start using it.. after the tbol? or upon first injection **

    Should i use arimidex through out my cycle or only when i have sides? **

    Are there and drug to drug interactions in my cycle? As in can i run the finesteride(proscar) and arimidex together?

    Is Tbol less taxing then Hdrol on my liver? Do i need a liver support? ( i felt like it didnt work in my hdrol cycle)

    Is there anything else I should know about?

    I will be getting pre cycle blood test and a post cycle blood test ( are there certain panels i should be more focused on?)

    P.s I am a 3rd year medical school student so I am probably a little more paranoid then others
    Last edited by lifeisg00d; 12-10-2015 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First welcome to the forum, fyi no price talk.

    Second, up your pct to the full week of what u said of 2 days. So nolva should be 40/20/20/20 and clomid 75/50/50/50. Some even system higher that first week.

    Run armidex through your full cycle. I believe until pct.

    Don't no about finesteride. But y risk it if your worried about taking it

  3. #3
    lifeisg00d is offline New Member
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    Dec 2015
    sorry for the price talk ill delete that part and thank you for your quick reply and for your greeting

    The reason why i want to use the finesteride is becuase of MPB in my genetic history. If anyone on this forum has used finesteride and in a similar cycle what were your results and sides with it?

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Read this: My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    Come back if you have any questions after reading it.

  5. #5
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by lifeisg00d View Post
    sorry for the price talk ill delete that part and thank you for your quick reply and for your greeting

    The reason why i want to use the finesteride is becuase of MPB in my genetic history. If anyone on this forum has used finesteride and in a similar cycle what were your results and sides with it?
    No problem anytime. Don't worry someone will be able to tell u about it. I just have no idea.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I have never had problem with hair until my last Tren cycle. I've been cycling for years and I was thinking I was immune to hair loss. I have a love/hate relationship with Tren. That stuff is awesome but it give me bad sides like hair loss, loss of libido, and anorgasmia. I started taking finesteride as soon as I started to notice hair loss. I've been on it for about 9 months or so. I haven't lost any more hair but what's gone is gone. If you have MPB in your family you need to know that finesteride only works with hair loss due to hormones reacting to Test and not nor19 like Tren. If you take Tren you can still lose your hair even if you're on finesteride. Oh, my doc also told me that the .02 nizoral shampoo has no clinical evidence to show that it stops hair loss. I use it anyways. I figure it's cheap insurance just in case it might do something for my hair. "Oh, the vanity and foolishness of men!"

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