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Thread: Has anyone tried...

  1. #1
    fazedsb is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Has anyone tried...

    So my source was meant to get me 2 bottles of Test 400 and a bottle of Tren E. What was bought to the table was:

    (Methenelone Enanthate 100mg)

    (Test c 166mg)
    (Boldenone Undeclynate 166mg)
    (Nandrolone Undeclynate 166mg)

    (Test D 200mg)
    (Test C 200mg)

    My questions is, has anyone used these brands before? Also, the plan was to run 2ml test 1ml tren split into 2 jabs monday and thursday. Now I have these different bottles, I will be doing .5ml of each bottle monday and thursday. Now I have read that boldenone needs to run for at lease 12 weeks to show a good result, I am worried I don't have enough of these compounds to achieve desirable results, seeing as experience I've had with UGL is that they generally have around 8ml instead of the stated 10ml, and the primobolan has clearly got about 1 ml more then the androplex.... Can I have some thoughts and advice from experienced users out there, and also if anyone has tried these products/labs what was the results? Cheers guys
    Last edited by fazedsb; 12-14-2015 at 03:31 PM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    I would be complaining, you order test and tren , and end up with test, primo, nandrolone and boldenone blend with test in it

    Never tried cospharm, my source stocks it and it half the price when compared to other brands, which alarmed me

  3. #3
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I would be complaining, you order test and tren , and end up with test, primo, nandrolone and boldenone blend with test in it

    Never tried cospharm, my source stocks it and it half the price when compared to other brands, which alarmed me
    Half price would definitely make me question how good it is!

  4. #4
    fazedsb is offline New Member
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    Well ima jab it all not wasting my money as I won't be able to get rid of it anyway, I'll update if I end up with fantastic results. For now I've ordered from a more reliable source some Excel Pharmaceuticals tnt450 , going to add 1ml a week of this for 12 weeks I should have stuck with this in the first place really as its a test and tren blend which is what I wanted :/ mistakes made lessons learned and money (potentially) wasted. Thx for replys guys

  5. #5
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Dont be discouraged by my reply, the gear might be good to go.

    My source might sell it at a cheap price because people prefer other brands and the cospharm is just sitting there so they need to sell it off.
    It just rang alarm bells for me so I chose different.

    Just run the gear and see how you get on, like you said your stuck with it anyway.

    Let us know how you get on with those brands.

    Good luck man
    fazedsb likes this.

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