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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    fire232 is offline Junior Member
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    Need advice

    Well first thing I guess is I'm 38. I have low testosterone levels at 267. I'm currently on test shots every 2 weeks. My shots are 200mg. I have a pretty clean diet. Of course it can always be better. I was thinking about trying more test and adding anavar . My goal is to add some muscle but mostly cut fat. I do know a lot is dependent on my diet. However I'm mostly curious if with my levels are low. How much more test would I need to see a difference and would I need to worry about estrogen?

    Thanks for any advice

  2. #2
    SidVicious77 is offline Associate Member
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    No expert on TRT but... You won't need any more test than anyone else just because your level was low pre-TRT. If anything just give the TRT dose alone enough time, you should see a marked improvement over what you could achieve with your previous level. Also every two weeks dosing seems not optimal for stable levels - 100 mg once a week or 50mg twice a week dosing might be better.

  3. #3
    SidVicious77 is offline Associate Member
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    Also you definitely do not need any additional aas at this stage other than test

  4. #4
    RedBeardedViking is offline Junior Member
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    What sidvicious said. I was near your range my throughput is 800 test on a 347-1100 scale and my free test is above the scale. You cannot inject that amount of test every two weeks, you body will be riding a roller-coaster and your estrogen will likely get out of whack.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You're most likely taking Test Cyp for TRT. The half life for Cyp's about 18 days. So if you're taking 200mg every 2 weeks your Test level is cycling pretty good. It would be better to take 100mg/wk over 200mg every 2 weeks to keep your blood concentration level more constant.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    What was the diagnostic/reason for low t?

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Scotch, I'm sure it was a typo, the half life of Cyp is 7-8 days. Completely agree however, you will be much better off injecting 100 every week instead of 200 every two weeks.
    I would be comfortable telling you, you can even bump that to 150 per week if you feel you need a boost considering I am on 175 Dr prescribed weekly TRT.
    Don't neglect BW however, need to keep an eye on E2.

  8. #8
    fire232 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks so much for your help. Basically my dr. said my test levels started dropping in my early 30's. I just got my blood work done 2 weeks ago. So I will get it done again in about 3 months. The main thing for me is I have to stay at peak fitness level for my job and because I'm very active outside of work. So I really appreciate everyone who has given advice. I just wasn't sure if I took anything else if it would help me.

  9. #9
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    it sounds like you need to do some more homework and research before you decide to take the plunge. If your gonna do it, do it right.

  10. #10
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    If you have never cycled before, im sure you will see nice steady gains from your TRT and a good diet.

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