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  1. #1
    schelde is offline New Member
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    How could the Steroids have damaged my Eyes?

    I have many previous cycles that were alot larger and had little issues except some acne. However this last one I suspect might have casued some sort of eye damage..

    I did 1 shot of Test E 250mg, 3 days after my eyes got insanly dry. I did not continue the cycle becouse the eyes were in alot of pain. Doctor's visits, eye doctor's and eye specialists said there was no signs of any eye disease, glucomia og visual decrease.

    My eyes was very dry for 6 months and i learned to live with the pain and discomfort. I came to the conclusion it could not possibly have anything to do with that one test shot


    So 6 months after the testosorone shot I jumped back on, Test e 500mg/ew Adex 0,25/EoD

    There was no changes in the eye for about 7 weeks.

    From week 7 my eyes started to be in serious pain. My eyes cant focus, they feel extremly heavy and theres times of intense pain. I need rest about 20 hours a day becouse my eyes cant handle being open. I went home from the gym for the first time in 6 years today becouse my eyes just had to rest. My body and mind is not tired at all, just the eyes.

    Sometimes blurred vision, about once a day for a couple of minutes, no signs of visual decrease. I have stopped all use of steroids ofcourse.

    The pain can be described as headache but directly in the eyes. Feels like I have a sharp object in my eye constantly aswell Eyedrops, eye spray, warm cloth apply, nothing makes a difference. ONLY closing them and resting relieves the pain.

    I have seen 3 eye doctors and the past week and no signs of anything. Just dry eyes. But this is not '' Just Dry eyes ''

    Does anyone have any clue what this could be be? Any specific blood tests out of the ordianry I should take?

    Also my blood preassure is completly fine

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    What type of Orals/or Meds are you on if any?

  3. #3
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
    MrFreshmaker is offline Productive Member
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    Hormones stimulate the production of tears.So any changes in hormones causes dry eyes!

  4. #4
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
    Reprisal 6 is offline Associate Member
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    Same gear as the first time this happened?

  5. #5
    Splifton's Avatar
    Splifton is offline Associate Member
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    What is it pharmaceutical grade testosterone or did you acquire it via UGL? Do you use syringe filters? Did the solution appear to have any signs of instability or something alluding to a "crash"?

  6. #6
    schelde is offline New Member
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    No orals or medications. Did take some tbol mid cycle but discontinued. Suspected it was dbol becouse I blew up and I did not want that. Took it for 2 weeks and it did not change my symptoms in any way. 30mg/ed along with liver support


    Changes in hormones causes dry eyes, but the pain i am having, and having to rest the eyes for 20 hours a day has to be something more than some dont you think?


    Not the same gear.


    UGL. No I do not use syringle filters. The solution looks fine. Other signs of a crash has been there. Test flu for the first week when the cycle started, fatigue and tiredness, some headaches but thats all manageable.

    All other symptons are now gone and I have been a week off. No changes in eyes.
    Last edited by schelde; 12-20-2015 at 04:11 AM.

  7. #7
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    It could be the steroids , it could also be a very rare side effect, ive never heard of this happening. Anythings possible though.

    I wouldnt run any more steroids until you can get to the bottom of this. Remember you only get one set of eyes.

  8. #8
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    It could be the steroids , it could also be a very rare side effect, ive never heard of this happening. Anythings possible though.

    I wouldnt run any more steroids until you can get to the bottom of this. Remember you only get one set of eyes.
    Yeah. Talking with people who's done them over 15 years and alot of googling I cant find anything similiar.

    No more steroids untill I find out the reason for this, if I ever do. No amount of muscle is worth damaging the eyes

  9. #9
    Splifton's Avatar
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    No inflammation? Any kind of mucosal discharge or bizarre instance of unusual fluids? Any local swelling of any kind? Did you have your T cells and B cells checked? White blood cell count in general?

  10. #10
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Dry eye can be anything from bothersome to down right debilitating. An imbalance in hormones can cause dry eyes. Have you had your thyroid checked?
    Man I feel for you! I know this must be life altering. There are all kinds of Otc eye drops to treat dry eyes. Try some of those.

  11. #11
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Do u know what carrier oil was used? EO/GSO/MCT/etc etc idk - but the test flu in the beginning and symptoms could have been due to EO(ethyl oliate - if used) can cause allergic reactions in some... Never heard the eye thing though... How long were you on?

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would stop worrying about the steroid link and just focus on what your eye pain is from. I doubt they're related, and even if they are, it is from a side effect of the AAS not specific to steroid use (like hypertension or something).

    Medical history?
    Blood pressure?
    Have you had your occular pressure tested?
    Have you seen a neurologist?
    Have you had imaging performed of your brain and eyes?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-20-2015 at 01:41 PM.

  13. #13
    Ashop's Avatar
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    I would have to bet its just a coincidence with timing and not related to your AAS use at all.

  14. #14
    RedBeardedViking is offline Junior Member
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    Check your E2 levels, my eyes got really dry when my E2 levels where crushed and stayed low for a very long time.

  15. #15
    3day's Avatar
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    Have you kept a check on your blood pressure over your many previous cycles? I've seen first hand the damage prolonged hbp can cause on the eyes.

  16. #16
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Theres no inflammation or swelling of any kind, slight redness but thats common with dry eyes. Blood cells and thyriod is all within ref Areas and perfectly normal.

    I do not know what oil the carrier used, abseloutley no idea. I was on for 8 weeks untill there was enough concern to stop. Been feeling sick on and off but manageable so I suspect the gear might have been slightly dirty aswell.

    Age is 23.
    No medical History
    Blood pressure on Average is 120/59

    I have not seen a neurologisk, nor had imaging from my brain and eyes. I have a doctors appoinment right new years where I will go into more serious testing do the required tests, just unsure wich I would need becouse this eye problem is life altering. In my country I pay for all testing so its going to empty my bank account but health is more important than that.

    It could indeed have nothing to do with steroids at all, but it started 3 days after my injection so its a wierd coincidence.

    Blood pressure on previous cycles was never a problem. On my previous cycle it was on average 130/65 I believe

  17. #17
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Pain In the Quiet (Not Red) Eye - American Family Physician

    Maybe you can glean some info from this article. You said you haven't seen a neurologist yet? Because if you've seen an optometrist or ophthalmologist, neuro would be the next place to look (it may be your brain and not your eyes).

    Have you been given corticosteroids (prednisone) yet? Because that'll rule out/treat inflammatory conditions.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-21-2015 at 10:48 AM.

  18. #18
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^ Listen to Bona

    Dont know why you still havent gone to neurologist, you should not wait so long.

    Regarding eyes, and with the anedoctal evidence of my own experience, I do get an eye problem which I relate to testosterone but it is when my testosterone is low. At least it is what I "diagnosed", it started before getting into AAS, sometimes I would wake up with my eye lids like glued which kinda injured the eye for some hours. Through bloodworks I related it to low testosterone , it would stop if testosterone was administered.

  19. #19
    schelde is offline New Member
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    Have not seen a neurologist yet no. My doctor wanted to send me for further evalution of Chronic Fatigue syndrom wich i dont think is strongly disagree is the reason for the eye pain. Strongly disagree.

    I basicly have to point them in the direction they have to send me. And with not alot of medical background and a whole lot of knowledge in that area its not easy for to me to do so.

    I have not been given predisone nor any medication. Alot of blood tests but they everything is within normal ranges.

    Thank you for the tip, i appreciate it alot. Unfortuanly its Christmas now and the next available appointment is at January the 6th. I am not sure if its a good idea to wait that long at all and unsure of what I can do the recieve care earlier. Health care where I live is slow, veery slow. They could not diagnose my father for 10 years and he traveled out of country and got diagnosed with MS within a day.

    Its hard to tell if the pain is in the eye, or right behind/above it. However resting the eyes relieves the pain.

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