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Thread: Finding Clen Tolerance on 1st ever cycle

  1. #1
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Finding Clen Tolerance on 1st ever cycle

    This is my 1st cutting cycle and im currently cycling T3 & Clen - and into my second week and still finding my tolerance level with Clen

    When taking Clen and looking to find your level would you just keep going up ? im up 140 today but still not feeling any of the symptoms I am confident the source is legit

    Personally would you continue trying to find your level and keep going up or stop at current level ?

    I have around 6 days left before I cycle off for 2 weeks


  2. #2
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crkr01 View Post
    This is my 1st cutting cycle and im currently cycling T3 & Clen - and into my second week and still finding my tolerance level with Clen

    When taking Clen and looking to find your level would you just keep going up ? im up 140 today but still not feeling any of the symptoms I am confident the source is legit

    Personally would you continue trying to find your level and keep going up or stop at current level ?

    I have around 6 days left before I cycle off for 2 weeks

    So from reading ur post u have no idea how clen works or t3 huh? How much taurine are u taking. How much t3 are u taking. What ur stats. Age, weight, bf%, cardio?

  3. #3
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    I Did research thoroughly before starting and planned everything out - just expected to have more symptoms from the clen
    tomorrow is day ten of the cycle - currently

    140 clen
    2x 25g t3 - 7am-3pm due to go up to 75g tomorrow split -through day
    Taurine 4g per day


    age 45
    weight 75kg
    body fat 11.87%
    Cardio = Crossfit 5 x per week


  4. #4
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	plan.PNG 
Views:	3513 
Size:	18.5 KB 
ID:	160858

    this is my cycle

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Everyone has a different tolerance to clen . Clen's effectiveness should be based on a rise in body temperature, not side effects. Take your temperature then dose some clen. Wait a few hours then take your temperature again. If it went up then you're good. If not then then repeat the next day with a slightly higher dosage.

    There's no need to taper T3 or take more than 75 µg/day.

    IMO what you're doing is total overkill. You couldn't pay me to take T3/clen or T3/ECA at the same time.
    Last edited by numbere; 12-19-2015 at 01:28 PM.

  6. #6
    mark woods's Avatar
    mark woods is offline Associate Member
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    No need to split the t3 dose the half life is 24hrs

  7. #7
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Everyone has a different tolerance to clen . Clen's effectiveness should be based on a rise in body temperature, not side effects. Take your temperature then dose some clen. Wait a few hours then take your temperature again. If it went up then you're good. If not then then repeat the next day with a slightly higher dosage.

    There's no need to taper T3 or take more than 75 µg/day.

    IMO what you're doing is total overkill. You couldn't pay me to take T3/clen or T3/ECA at the same time.
    Thanks for your comments will test for temp and review cycle

  8. #8
    tice1212's Avatar
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    crkr01 you do know that this combo is going to eat muscle like crazy right?

  9. #9
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    crkr01 you do know that this combo is going to eat muscle like crazy right?
    no I didn't and not what I wanted

    are you talking about the whole cycle -or the fact I have mixed with an eca stack on off weeks which part ?


  10. #10
    clarkey02's Avatar
    clarkey02 is offline Junior Member
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    I thought you researched thoroughly?

  11. #11
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarkey02 View Post
    I thought you researched thoroughly?
    We all have to start somewhere - and we all make mistakes I'm sure - I obviously didn't research enough which is why I'm asking for help and advice on here - can you remember your 1st days in my position


  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    It is tough

    You research and think right im ready, but the reseach and learning never stops.

    Theres no harm in asking questions, this is why we have a q&a section here.

    One tip i would give is outline any cycle and ask questions/address concerns before starting.

    Rather than finding your stuck mid way

    I know things can arise unexpectedly during a cycle, but its quite common to see questions asked that should have been asked and could have been answered and potential problems prevented before starting.

    Numbere has gave you some great advice there so take that in.

    If your not wanting to lose muscle here then id suggest end it to avoid being dissapointed at the end.

    Muscle tissue is hard to build so it would be a shame to burn it away and then have to rebuild it again.

    What are your goals from this cut? Your bodyfat percentage is pretty good, you could probably get a little lower by just messing with your diet and upping the cardio, this also preventing muscle loss

  13. #13
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    It is tough

    You research and think right im ready, but the reseach and learning never stops.

    Theres no harm in asking questions, this is why we have a q&a section here.

    One tip i would give is outline any cycle and ask questions/address concerns before starting.

    Rather than finding your stuck mid way

    I know things can arise unexpectedly during a cycle, but its quite common to see questions asked that should have been asked and could have been answered and potential problems prevented before starting.

    Numbere has gave you some great advice there so take that in.

    If your not wanting to lose muscle here then id suggest end it to avoid being dissapointed at the end.

    Muscle tissue is hard to build so it would be a shame to burn it away and then have to rebuild it again.

    What are your goals from this cut? Your bodyfat percentage is pretty good, you could probably get a little lower by just messing with your diet and upping the cardio, this also preventing muscle loss

    thank you its appreciated and what I wanted to hear - I will ask in advance before starting next time

    I started this 18 months ago at 17st and nearly 25% BF - and my target was always to see can I reach 10% and reveal a midsection - here we are 18 months later but not quite there

    Had my ups and downs, injuries etc over this period - but my goal which drives me was always can I reach 10% and reveal a midsection - I may get to 10% no midsection is showing and decide its time for a re- think - I don't know till I get there

    Maybe what I am doing now is not needed to drop the last few % - I'm not sure ?

    maybe I would be better on a bulking cycle to increase muscle mass and lower the body fat that way ? again not sure

    I really am trying to find my feet and whats best to achieve my goal

    When I get there yes I would want to put some muscle on as there are elements of crossfit I cant do as don't have enough strength

    Thing is apart from posting here not really anyone else I can discuss this with

    thank you

  14. #14
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Its a learning curve and hard to distinguish whats best, especialy when we all different, different bodies, different goals, different reactions to substances etc.

    If your at 12% bodyfat and dont have a "mid section" which i think you mean abs showing? Then maybe you need to work on those ab muscles.

    Im 14% bodyfat and can see my midsection - its smooth but its there and you can see it, i have good ab genetics, i dont even train abs and there are some huge blocks in there.

    But if your at 12% and no abs showing then that tells me your either lacking ab muscles or your bodyfat calculation is wrong

    Post a pic of yourself and outline what you want to look like, and we can guess your bodyfat if you like, we can either suggest what route you need to go (ie bulking, diet attention etc)

  15. #15
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Message removed
    Last edited by crkr01; 12-27-2015 at 11:35 AM. Reason: IDENTITY INFO REMOVED

  16. #16
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    sorry about the sideways image LOL

  17. #17
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    more shots
    Last edited by crkr01; 12-20-2015 at 12:15 PM.

  18. #18
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    You dont appear to have enough muscle to warrant cycling steroids IMO.
    What is your training like? Do you cardio, weight lift?

    I think the problem with your mid section appears to be loose excess skin, is this from losing a lot of fat? You are probably going to need that surgicaly removed if its skin (which it looks like)

    Once that is removed you would probably see some abs there.

    If your goal is to lose fat and gain muscle (which is most peoples goals)
    Then your just going to have to pay attention to a balanced diet that has enough food to grow but clean food in order to achieve the bodyfat goal.

    That excess skin imo is your biggest concern if your wanting a lean appearance on your abdomen.

    I dont know what your money situation is like but may be worth thinking about
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-20-2015 at 09:30 AM.

  19. #19
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    You dont appear to have enough muscle to warrant cycling steroids IMO.
    What is your training like? Do you cardio, weight lift?

    I think the problem with your mid section appears to be loose excess skin, is this from losing a lot of fat? You are probably going to need that surgicaly removed if its skin (which it looks like)

    I have thought it was skin before but kept trying to cut in desperation to loose this as I have come so far

    training is crossfit training 5 x per week - not sure if your familiar with it ?
    squats, deadlifts, cleans, plenty of lifting, endurance workouts / HIT training

    Last edited by crkr01; 12-20-2015 at 10:23 AM.

  20. #20
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    I dont think any amount of exercise or diet will burn skin, it needs to be cut off, and it does look like skin to me not fat, your arms are lean and you have the vein running through the bicep and forarm which suggests your bodyfat is pretty decent. Great that your trying your best to burn that little bit off but if it is skin it wont budge, its pretty common for that after losing a lot of fat.

    Judging by your training im guessing you arent too bothered about muscle gain? It sounds more of a fat loss exercise programme, ive heard of crossfit, looks pretty intense from the videos ive watched, but im pretty old school i just like to lift only

  21. #21
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I dont think any amount of exercise or diet will burn skin, it needs to be cut off, and it does look like skin to me not fat, your arms are lean and you have the vein running through the bicep and forarm which suggests your bodyfat is pretty decent. Great that your trying your best to burn that little bit off but if it is skin it wont budge, its pretty common for that after losing a lot of fat.

    Judging by your training im guessing you arent too bothered about muscle gain? It sounds more of a fat loss exercise programme, ive heard of crossfit, looks pretty intense from the videos ive watched, but im pretty old school i just like to lift only

    I think you are probably right and surgery maybe the only option - not to fussed about muscle gain at this time - goal was fat loss only - then when I'm lean look at a bulking cycle - but only when the mid section was lean - but actually if its skin then I'm never gonna reach that lean mid section and moving over to a bulk / muscle cycle still isn't going to get rid of the skin so I think its time for re-think

    yes removal is an option


  22. #22
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Get the skin off, keep fine tuning your diet and keep up the hardwork. When your happy with your condition then you can look into adding some nice muscle on to your frame.

    Good luck buddy

  23. #23
    crkr01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Get the skin off, keep fine tuning your diet and keep up the hardwork. When your happy with your condition then you can look into adding some nice muscle on to your frame.

    Good luck buddy
    Thanks Buddy much appreciated - will be back when the skin is gone
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