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  1. #1
    newhype is offline New Member
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    Will SARMS ever be as effective as AAS?

    There was so much hype around them a few years ago, claiming no side with great muscle growth. Well that didn't really pan out, but can it?

    Will or CAN SARMS ever preform as efficiently as AAS without the sides?

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How should we know?
    They just need to create one that works as intended (AR activation in skeletal muscle only).

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    As it stands I think the first step is being taken, that is anabolic effects with a reduced side effect profile. So far the holy grail of anabolic with no sides is not available and I am not sure it will be for some time if ever.
    The thing to realize is that there are some sarms even currently available that probably do have a place. If we can sift through the bogus BS marketing claims we can find out just what the viable applications are for them.

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newhype View Post
    There was so much hype around them a few years ago, claiming no side with great muscle growth. Well that didn't really pan out, but can it?

    Will or CAN SARMS ever preform as efficiently as AAS without the sides?
    They are still in the early stages with SARMS really but thus far I haven't seen any that have proven
    to be as effective as AAS.

  5. #5
    kallmenelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newhype
    There was so much hype around them a few years ago, claiming no side with great muscle growth. Well that didn't really pan out, but can it? Will or CAN SARMS ever preform as efficiently as AAS without the sides?
    I did an ostarine cycle and only worked out 2 times a week to preserve my muscle from a knee injury and I gained 10lbs of mUscle which I never lost to this day. I loved ostarine I was very vascular and felt very hard. Good stuff just taste bad. I hate needles when you do ostarine you have to consume a lot of creatine it woks very well when stacked.

  6. #6
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kallmenelly View Post
    I did an ostarine cycle and only worked out 2 times a week to preserve my muscle from a knee injury and I gained 10lbs of mUscle which I never lost to this day. I loved ostarine I was very vascular and felt very hard. Good stuff just taste bad. I hate needles when you do ostarine you have to consume a lot of creatine it woks very well when stacked.
    10lbs?! I highly doubt that. The ONLY way I would see u gaining that much from crappy ostarine is if u have never worked out and have ZERO muscle base and ran that ost cycle for a year lol... Sh*t if ostarine did that to u then lgd which is 10× stronger then ostar would have mad u gain 20+ lbs huh. No disrespect but I think u info is construed.

  7. #7
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    As it stands I think the first step is being taken, that is anabolic effects with a reduced side effect profile. So far the holy grail of anabolic with no sides is not available and I am not sure it will be for some time if ever.
    The thing to realize is that there are some sarms even currently available that probably do have a place. If we can sift through the bogus BS marketing claims we can find out just what the viable applications are for them.
    Jim is in my opinion 100% right about SARMS having a place in a cycle. No I don't think they are as strong AAS. The marketing behind theses SARMS are so misconstrued.
    Like for me I have tried most of the main SARMS from my RC source. Ostr, LGD, S4, mk-677, GW..
    IMO I will never not do a cut without S4. Loved the effect of it but I was on test prop to counteract the suppression. Mk-677 helped a lot with my well-being. Felt great 80% of the time.

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    I think yes. LGD is already very close for size. Some supression and cholestrolissues with it though

  9. #9
    kallmenelly's Avatar
    kallmenelly is offline Associate Member
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    Alright 9lbs.. Are you happy?

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