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  1. #1
    Jake198599 is offline Junior Member
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    Tren Cycle. No Libido. No Appetite.

    27 years old. 12 weeks INTO cycle. Tren A EOD 130mg. Test Prop EOD 60mg. Aromasin 25 ED(2 pills, 12.5 each). Caber 0.5 EOD. HCG every 4 days.

    650 Testosterone
    26 Estrodial (10-82 reference range)
    Prolactin undetectable

    My main issue is that I have almost non-existent Libido. 2/3 of this cycle I had a ridiculous sex drive, then it completely fell off a cliff- absolutely no urge to masturbate, require a ton of pre-prep for sex.

    From Reading around, I am thinking most likely that my Dopamine receptors are messed up from the tren and that my Serotonin is messed up too. Also read that possibly extremely low Prolactin can cause low Libido so I am cutting back on my Caber.

    My plans: Cut Tren completely and maybe increase testosterone to see if that helps.

    I also read that taking the Supplements: Sulbutiamine and Choline CDP can help wake up my Dopamine receptors. Also 5-HTP?

    Anyone have any experience of advise on how to recover from a Tren cycle that destroys your Libido? I am hoping to try and fix this before I decide to start PCT since I have read that PCT won't help at all with returning Libido after a Tren cycle and that a few actually have fixed this through dropping tren and bumping up their Testosterone.
    Last edited by Jake198599; 12-23-2015 at 04:46 AM.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Id half your aromasin dose to 12.5mg ed and drop the caber, it seems too much. Your Estradiol is in range but its low

    Other than that i cant really help, why is prolactin undectable?

    You say your at week 12 of your cycle, how long is this cycle? 12 weeks of tren ace should be more than enough, might be a good idea to drop the cycle and coommence PCT and hope to see recovery

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont understand if you are 12 weeks after cycle or 12 weeks in cycle...

    Edit: if you are 12 weeks in cycle how is your testosterone 650?? Whats the free test and SHBG?

  4. #4
    Jake198599 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Id half your aromasin dose to 12.5mg ed and drop the caber, it seems too much. Your Estradiol is in range but its low

    Other than that i cant really help, why is prolactin undectable?

    You say your at week 12 of your cycle, how long is this cycle? 12 weeks of tren ace should be more than enough, might be a good idea to drop the cycle and coommence PCT and hope to see recovery
    Thank you for response.

    Estradiol pre-cycle, naturally was at 18. Prolactin undetectable due to too much Caber I'm sure. I'm hoping to try and fix my Libido by dropping Tren and just doing Test, even if I have to do cruise dosage before I start my PCT.

  5. #5
    Jake198599 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I dont understand if you are 12 weeks after cycle or 12 weeks in cycle...

    Edit: if you are 12 weeks in cycle how is your testosterone 650?? Whats the free test and SHBG?
    Fixed main post. I am 12 weeks into cycle and I am dropping Tren . Just looking for advise on how to recover my Libido in any way before I start PCT.

    testosterone 650 on reference range 200-1200. You think it sounds too low or too high? I am trying to use just enough Test Prop to be in natural range of testosterone(60mg EOD). Sorry I dont have free test and SHBG results.
    Last edited by Jake198599; 12-23-2015 at 04:42 AM.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jflanden View Post
    Fixed main post. I am 12 weeks into cycle and I am dropping Tren. Just looking for advise on how to recover my Libido in any way before I start PCT.
    Unless your test prop is dosed at 20mg/ml, how is your test 650?

    Why do you post dosages in ml? it means nothing without concentration.

  7. #7
    Jake198599 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Unless your test prop is dosed at 20mg/ml, how is your test 650?

    Why do you post dosages in ml? it means nothing without concentration.
    100mg/ML. Maybe underdosed or I don't absorb too well? I thought my test was in good range for only using 60mg EOD.

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jflanden View Post
    100mg/ML. Maybe underdosed or I don't absorb too well? I thought my test was in good range for only using 60mg EOD.
    Im at over 900 using 125mg test e, 4 days after shot.

    We all different, but your test is underdosed for sure.

  9. #9
    Jake198599 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Im at over 900 using 125mg test e, 4 days after shot.

    We all different, but your test is underdosed for sure.
    My understanding that HCG allows natural testosterone to still be produced to an effect? My Natural test is 200-300 so maybe yours is much higher?

  10. #10
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jflanden View Post
    My understanding that HCG allows natural testosterone to still be produced to an effect? My Natural test is 200-300 so maybe yours is much higher?
    I am on 250ui x2 HCG .

    Production from HCG is pretty much negligible.

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