I decided to start a SARMS cycle yesterday (LGD, 10mg/day). I've never done any sort of steroids or SARMs. I decided to get bloodwork done the day before starting (so I wasn't on anything when the blood was taken). The results came in today and my testosterone is low (243 ng/dL). I have already taken 2 doses of SARMs as today was the second day. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

Should I stop the SARMs? Should I PCT (will 2 doses suppress me further?). Also should I go see a doctor about my test being that low? This makes no sense because I've been bulking for a few months now and have been making strength and size gains. I'm really confused about what to do. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Btw, I'm 22, 170 lbs, 5'9", about 10% bf and have been lifting for 4 years, completely natty before these 2 doses of LGD I've taken.